Chapter Twenty Four

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*Two days later*

Selena's pov
A loud ringing shaking me from my slumber. My hands stumble to find a way to untangle myself from Justin's strong grip, he doesn't help as my case as he just tightens his grip.

"Justin the phone" I mumble well wiping my eyes, rubbing the sleep out of them. Eventually Justin's grip loosens and I push myself off our bed, heading to the obnoxiously loud phone, still ringing.

My phone is laid on the glass coffee table, shaking violently as it moves a few centimetres every time my ringtone goes off. I hear Justin groan at the loud noise blaring.

I quickly grasp my hand around my white iPhone 6 and face the screen, 'Sidney' it reads. I glance back at Justin's who eyes are locked with mine as well, worry and confusion are plastered on his expression as he steps towards me.

"It's Sidney" I say simply, watching him body suddenly relax and approach me more causally. I slide my finger across the cold screen and place the phone up to my ear.

Instantly I regret putting the phone so close to my ear as a shriek of what I'm guessing is horror fills the phone.

"Sidney?" I ask, holding the phone from my ear at a responsible distance, getting strange looks from Justin who's holding his laughter in.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD" She shouts, causing me to go deaf in my right ear. "You always think I'm dead" I shoot back, earning another odd look from Justin.

Sidney laughs through the phone, causing a smile to catch onto my lips. Justin shrugs it off and heads to the bathroom, letting myself have an unsupervised talk with Sidney.

I peek though the bathroom door, hearing Justin turn on the shower so I've got a good ten minutes without him hearing anything. I dart towards the door, twisting the slender metal and pulling it open to see the horror that's played out in front of me.

The wall that Luke's back was leaned against just a few nights ago looks worst then I thought. Blood stained the tan painted walls, the white tinted carpet was covered with red dried puddles, engraved into the thin material.

"Selena you there?" Sidney asks though the phone, snapping me out of the horror scene that's laid in front of me."Ya sorry, I'm here" I responded, trying to find something to look at, anything other than my exs blood staining the door mat to myself and Justin new hotel room.

"Selena I can here the distress leaking from your voice, spill" Sidney spoke simply, she was right I could hear it too. A heavy and long held in sigh escaped my lips, letting myself slide down the hallway wall beside our door, the one thats not drenched in blood.


I finished explaining things to her and she was speechless, I told her everything from the explosion and attack at our old house to even the fight two or three nights ago and who Luke is.

"Damn Selena, how have you lived through that I mean I feel like I'm gonna die when I can't have some Taco Bell but that's real shit Sel I'm sorry" Sidney said, humour weaving its way through her words sending a smile to form on my lips.

"Are you gonna visit any time soon?" Sidney asked quickly changing the topic.

"Well I don't think that's the best idea" I trail off, of course getting cut off by a very demanding and determined Sidney. "Please, honey I haven't seen you since, since" Sidney stumbled for words but non came to her.

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