Chapter Four

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Basically the first part of this chapter was Selena's pov of the ending of the past chapter so enjoy!

Selena pov

His beautiful chest nut like orbs, his dirty blond crazed morning hair hangs loosely from his head.

Justin Drew Bieber, criminal from the age of eighteen and is still on going today, kidnapper, most likely raped, hottie, murderer, steals the hearts of girls like he steals money.

Every single signal telling me to hate and fear him is wiped from my mind.

No Selena you can't fall for him, he's plays with girls hearts like children play with toys.

He's so handsome, he's much taller than me, I'm only 5'6 he's like 6'0 or something.

He's slightly tanned skin is hot with his tattoos yet I can't fall for him. I can still look at him though and admire his perfectly sliced jaw line, carved by God himself.

Jesus Selena stop, just stop

I push myself off the bed, heading towards the shower with my previous thoughts still buzzing around me like flies.

The sleek yet cold by touch tilted bathroom floor sends shivers to shake my body.


Minutes and such have passed yet nothing but those stunning muscular arms wrapped around my torso cling into my mind.

Eventually I flip the slender shinny handle off which shuts the warm water from cascading down my bare body. Stepping from the shower with nothing but my underwear from the previous night to stand as something I might propose on wearing again.

I stare down at the laced material made into a skimpy thong before sliding it over my skin, well not all of it, just the bottom at least I'm sorta clothed, pushing a sigh from my lips as I wrap the small white towel around myself and unlock the bathroom door, expect to see Justin there, but I don't.

A flicker of disappointment washed over me but just as fast it vanished from my mind.

I glance around the room and search for my bra, must have dropped it on my way to the bathroom.

Finally I catch a glimpse of my black laced bra on the cold wooden floor and snatch it quickly.

I drop the towel and I don't care, nobody's in here yet I still wanna eagerly get dressed as I know if I don't I might not be alone for to long.

I struggle with my bra strap but then soon freeze,

The same husky voice I've never managed to slip from my mind for even a second spoke up from behind me, freezing my actions as shivers vibrate my body.

~~~ back to present time ~~~

After Justin leaves to the washroom, a smirk forms on my lips.

Only soon it grows weary as I remember that I have been kidnapped

This isn't some f*cking sappy romantic movie when the victim falls in love with the bad boy and they drive off on the bad boys motor cycle into the sunset, leaving all of reality's problems and worries behind and ending the film there. no the is real life.

I am soon covered with Justin's clothing's. I inhale his scent and hug the clothing closer to me.

A few minutes later the bathroom door clicks open and Justin strides out, confidently making his way towards me.

"When can I leav-" I start but he cuts my words off "you can't" he snaps, wiping the sweet attitude from his mind and replacing its spot win his bitchy tone.

I was about to say something but he beat me to it "your mine so get used to it sweetheart" he whispered seductively in my ear, causing shivers down my spine.

I could choke out nothing more than a nod in response, I wanted to talk but a lump has hitched in my throat.

"So If I want to I could" he spoke, his words sprawling across my neck as I felt the sticky constancy of his salvia smooth over my necks skin. Gasping sharply from his actions before he slowly pressed his lips against my neck, leaving nothing but a trail of kisses, snapping my vulnerability.

Suddenly his lips slipped from my skin, a defeat laced smirk plastered over his lips as he exited the room, no words exchanged.

After slowly comprehending what happened and recovering, I think not

Glancing at the clocks and it reads 12:36pm so I head to the door and peek my head though.

I spot Justin on the main floor in the kitchen. I spot that asshole from yesterday, Harry I believe his name was.

Ugh he's such a little piece of sh- my thoughts were interrupted by the fact I see Justin grabbing a plate on a tray with some orange juice and heading towards the stairs. I dart back into the room and jump on the bed, pretending I was there all along.


Hey guys I want to apologize for such a short chapter I promise to either update later today or tomorrow with a longer chapter. Love you guys and sorry again I'm like half asleep well writing this

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