Chapter Fourteen

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Selena's pov
Sitting alone in the hospital waiting room, couldn't think of a better way to start my four months of hell. Like I'm gonna make it to the last month, I gonna be murdered the minute I enter that shit hole, aka Paul's house. Yep I have to stay with him for four months and on top of that, I have to go to therapy once a week.

At least I'll get to stay away from, him for two hours out of 189 hours a week. I can't believe the nurse it making me stay with him until I'm 'more stable' as the nurse refers to it as. Speak of the devil, I'm honestly shaking as he's shoes click against the plain tilted floors.

"Hello darling" Paul says grabbing my wrist, pulling me forcefully off the uncomfortable hospital chair. I jerk my wrist away from his tight grip, only to have him grab my waist and pulling me into a hug. I don't hug back, I hate having his body even come in contact with my own.


After a really awkward and uncomfortable car ride, we arrive at the house of nightmares, my heart beat quickens. I pinch myself quickly to check if I'm in some sick nightmare, but the only thing that caused was pain to quickly shoot though my arm and then just as quickly go away.

Once the door closed, I knew he wasn't gonna keep up the sickly nice act. "YOU KNOW HOW PISSED OFF I AM AT YOU, YOU F*CKING SLUT" raising his hand, balling it into a fist. Before I could react a harsh pain, shot though my face, knocking me back on the floor.

My whole body shivers from fright as he slowly steps towards me, gripping tightly onto my wrist. His palm burns into my skin "p-please stop" I say, nothing more than a whisper. He stops, well that's a first. He snaps his around to face me, his eyes darken black.

"YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO" he yelled, towering over me. His palm releases from the grip on my wrist and slaps my cheek harshly. He rejoins his hand onto my wrist, painfully tight. He doesn't face me, he just continues to pull me all across the house, "HERE" he yelled shoving me into a room, before slamming it.

I glanced around my surroundings weakly, nothing caught my eye. A basic murders chamber, the two windows on the wall, were boarded up some light peaking through. My hands met with the cold tilted floor, pushing myself off of it, brushing against something sticking off the wall, a note.

Old yellow paper, stuck onto the wall with a huge steel nail. The paper had something scribbled faintly on the top of it. I place my shaking hands around the paper, squinting trying to read the small, messy writing.

To my beautiful selly bear
Love you and I'm sorry. Don't forget that.

The rest ripped at the bottom, my mom used to call me her beautiful selly bear. Thinking off her caused my eyes to water, she was murdered in here wasn't she. My hands fell from the note, making my way towards my tear stained cheeks. I couldn't remember the last time I had a good memory in this house.

I regained some of my strength, pushing myself off the floor, which I collapsed on moments ago. I head towards the weak wood, nailed against the bright glass window. Looking out, I notice kids my age all walking home, talking, enjoying life, smiling, laughing. God I miss that, I miss everything about being normal, but I don't remember much about it I was 5 last time I was normal.

Nothing about my life is normal, Justin made me feel special, like for once in my life I had a purpose. Paul made me feel worthless, which I am to quite a lot of people, my parents, my really parents made me feel happy. But Paul took it away from me, my happiness, my purpose.

I was so deep into my thoughts I didn't even hear Paul yelling at me. "YOU F* CKING WORTHLESS PEICE OF SHIT, ARE YOU DEAF" he paused and darted towards me. "You've been a bad girl, come with me darling" he whispered into my ear, sending shivers down my spine at his sudden change of tone, talk about bipolar.

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