Chapter Twenty Six

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Selena's pov
Humans, do we even understand the definition of being a human. I used to look at a human like I look at a book or a iPhone, nothing exciting but when your father, the man who made you isn't there anymore you understand humans aren't like an iPhone or a book since they aren't constructed, their made.

A thin layer of tears streamed down my cheeks, pulling my knees closer to my body as my childhood replays in my head. The pain that shot though me when Paul abused me or when my mother turned everything off including her love for anything and directed it towards getting high and drunk was on repeat in my mind.

The cold tilted bathroom laid underneath me as a sit, huddled up in the corner wearing nothing but a thin laced pair of white underwear. My whole life I've acted like nothing more than a child, always looking out for myself and being selfish, not thinking about how others have it worse.

I never considered Justin's life before I met him, he knows everything about me, my life and basically every fact about me. I don't know much about him other than he's Justin Bieber, the most wanted criminal in America and his favourite colour is purple. 

Suddenly a strong urge to puke overwhelms me, pushing myself to my feet before scrambling to the toilet eagerly. I feel my stomach empty its self into the toilet in front of me. The deep burning feeling lingers in my throat as I basically throw up my leftovers from last night, including dessert.

I wipe my mouth clean, feeling the pain slowly fade as my stomach calms it's self down. I must be getting a cold or something because I usually never throw up. It was like four years ago was the last time I throw up and that was when, well Paul he kicked me in the stomach until I throw up. Just thinking about his name makes me cringe in disgust, letting shivers run down my spine.

Just then a faint set of footprints echoes through the hotel room, showing me Justin has clearly woken from his heavy slumber. "Selena" he raspy voice pushed through the thick wooden door, causing me to snap up and wipe my red puffy eyes. "Ya I'm fine just thinking of taking a shower"

His tone snapped into a more seductive one as he jiggled the thinly made doorknob. "Mind if I join" he asks, I could almost hear his smirk vibrating off him,

I mentally roll my eyes at his words before checking myself in the mirror. My bed hair is crazed as usual, purple love bits scatter across my neck from last night. I brush my fingers overtop of them, earning a stinging pain to push through my body. I cringe at the feeling, gripping my fingers around the sink tightly before it wears away in only moments.

"Babe you okay" Justin's spoke, his words woven with worry. "Ya just hold on I'll be out in a second" I say through the door, backing myself away from the mirror.

My barely covered body body slid down the nearest wall, feeling the urge to cry once again but pushing it back. I rub my eyes, stress filled my every movement as I hear Justin's set of feet move away from the door, leaving me to be consumed by thoughts.


After what felt like a minute or two Justin's fists bang harshly against the wooden door, snapping me out of my trance. "Sel you've been in there for an hour" Justin said, his tone was nervous and dare I say scared. "What's wrong".

His words rang through my head, repeating over and over again. What is wrong Selena. Well your father that you thought was murdered when you where nothing but an innocent child is alive but was just recently murdered for real this time. Your whole life since that moment of horror when you though your father was dead has been filled with nothing but pure pain, provided by Satan himself.

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