Chapter 2

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After lunch we headed home to drop of nix and tocollect our boards then headed to bronte. Once we arrived the swell was PUMPING good 8 to 9 footers coming in. As we made our way down to the waters edge we spotted some of the off duty boys having a bit of fun with the free jet skis. We paddled out to the breakers and to where some of the boys that were on rescue boards. "any good ones yet boys" I yelled over the crashing waves. I got replyes of "HELL YER and "THIS IS EPIC". I just laughed as a massive wave loomed behind me I yelled "this ones mine" making sure none of the boys drops in on me.

I paddled hard for the wave and it must have been at least 9 foot not as big as im used to but still good. I caught the wave and rode it out perfectly with a few tricks to. The boys are always shocked at how someone so young can be so good at surfing and I amaze them every time. I paddled back out to the boys and they were all cheering me. A few waves later a bomber of a wave started rolling in and I yelled at the top of my lungs "MINE" determined to catch possibly the best wave of the day. I stood up and instantly started to get barreled. I love the feeling of getting barrelled just the water coming over the top of you is just one of the best feelings in the world. Just before I finish of the wave I do a epic 360 and land.

Paddling back out I looked to my right and the waves just near the rocks were just perfect and I just wanted to catch one off the rocks. So I made my way over to the cliff face and jumped in. Just as I jumped in I could hear the boys and whip screaming to come back but I was experienced and knew what I was doing, I've surfed this spot over since I was a baby. I paddled into the take off zone and got on one of the best waves of the day and rode it out perfectly. I was paddling onto another wave and stood up and yet again got barreled but as I got shot out the other side an on coming wave hit and I flew forward hitting the side of my head on the reef.

As soon as I hit the rock I was completely knocked out.


I was watching ambs going over to the cliff face to catch some good ones but I could just tell some thing bad was going to happen. I started screaming for her to come back but all I got was a splash of water. I know she's experienced and has surfed there tones of times but today just seemed to spell out trouble and in her record of injuries something was bound to happen.

I watched as she caught her fisrt wave and rode it out perfectly like she always does. I then saw her catch another one right after, it all then went like slow motion she was in the barrel getting shot out the other side but then another on coming wave took her by surprise and smashed her head first into the reef. All I could do was watch in horror.

I screamed "AMBS" so loud all the boys swang around and looked at where ambs was just moments ago. I stated paddling as fast as I could to her knowing that this wont be a good out come but also trying to keep calm.

As I reached her she was laying on the reef with blood all over her head I screamed "CALL AN AMBO" crying I tried waking her up but she was out cold. Some of the other boys had showed up by now and me and kobi were trying to figure out a way to get her out safely with out hurting her more and greating more damage. We decided to call for a chopper as it was easiest to lift her outing stead of moving her.

After what seemed like ages but in fact was only 5 minuets the chopper arrived and stated winching her up. Once she was safely in the chopper I made my way back to the beach trying to keep my self calm and trying to stop the tears but failed. I couldn't help think nothing but the worst my baby girl could die and It was all my fault.

When back on the beach I found Gina crying in the sand with Cory's arm around her hugging her and telling her that ambs is going to be alright.

We flew to the hospital and by the time we got there ambs was coming into emergancy. Trying to run after her I was pushed away form my baby girl by a nurse "I cant let you through, You have to stay out in the waiting room and ill come and find you if there is any news on her condition" was all I got told.

Just as I was about to push the nurse in front of me cory pulled me back telling me to sit down and take a breath. "What if she dies and its all my fault" I cryed while trying to calm down my wife. "mate she will be fine she's not going to die, its ambs were talking about she's a fighter she will get through this" Cory said rubbing my back. I couldn't find the words to say back so I just sat facing the white hospital wall with gina crying her heart out on my shoulder.

"Cory mate can you please call one of the boys to take gina home" I said hoping she won't relatiate. "Yeah sure mate i'll be back" he said getting up from his chair and pulling out his phone.

"Don't make me go please don't make me go" gina cryed into my chest. "It's best if you go home hun if she does wake up we don't want to many people to be here ok and i don't want you to see her like this" I said trying to comfort her. "One of the boys is going to come pick you up and take you home and stay with you until we hear some news ok" I explained. "ok but what about you are you going to be ok" she said looking up at me with red blochy eyes. "I'll be fine don't worry about me" I said trying to convince her to go home. "lets go" cory said taking gina from my arms. As much as I wanted her to go home just in case of any bad news I just wanted her in my arms. "I love you" I said kissing her good bye. "love you too."

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