Chapter 22

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We finally arrive back in Sydney and it's about 8 in the morning. "I'm so tired" I say as I crash into whips chest and he wraps his strong arms around my body. "I know but you need to get back on Sydney time" he says as we wait for our bags. "I don't think I can do that" "Hahah I know you can't" he laughs softly.

We arrive home and I head straight up to my room where I drop my bags and crash onto my bed about to fall asleep when whip comes up and sits next to me on my bed "The boys wanna see you" he says quietly. "Mmm", "You don't have to but they really missed you" he whispers into my ear. "Mmm okay then" I say as I pull myself off my nice comfy bed. "The surfs good to" whip says hoping my sleepy mood with change. "Sweet how big?" I ask intrigued. "About 5-6 foot" he says wrapping his arm around me. "What about my shoulder, gina wont let us", "Shhhh what she doesn't know wont kill her" he says giving me a wink. "I so don't want to be you when she finds out" I laugh. "She won't" he says confidently. "Okay". "Where are you two going?" gina asks after putting nix down for a nap. "The boys wanted to see ambs" whip says smirking at me. "Yeah I gotta try and stay awake" I say as whip walks behind gina laughing. "Okay have fun and carefull of your shoulder okay" shay says kissing the top of my head. "Yeah".

Me and whip walk out and into the Ute. "I don't like lying" I say staring out the window. "Just a little white lie and the boys and me will be there and you know your limit just don't go over board" he says. "Yeah okay, do you lie to gina all the time?" I ask hoping he doesn't. "No never I wouldn't do that", "Well hate to break it to you mate but you just did" I say looking at him. "Yeah one little white lie to make you happy doesn't count" he says looking at me. "You would get in trouble to make me happy?" I ask surprised. "Of course you're my little girl I hate seeing you upset" he says as I look out the window with a big smile thinking he would do anything for me. "And gina would do the same" he says. I just look out the window as happy as I can be I finally feel like I have a mum and dad even though they technically are in the way that they call me their daughter and I can finally bring myself to call them mum and dad.

We get to the beach and the surf was pumping, we head straight to the change rooms and to our locker to get changed into our bathers then over to the tower. We walk in and we get pounced on by the boys that were watching the water. "Heyy maxi, azza, kerr box," I laugh. "How was Florida" Azza asks. "Yeah good met lots of fans" I answer. "Well the weather was crap when you left now its sunny blue skies and some solid surf" Kerr box laughs. "Yeah the boys were showing me the crap weather", "You going out for a surf?" Maxi asks. "Yeah we are" I answer maxi's question. "Any of the other boys out?" I ask grabbing the bino's and looking at south. "Yeah I think chappo and mouse are out" Maxi replies. "You ready ambs?" whip asks after talking with Azza. "Yeah". We walk out the tower and under to collect our boards then start walking down to south end.

Once we reach south end we paddle out to the back to see chappo and mouse. "Heyy boys" whip says paddling closer to them as I paddle hard for a wave looming. As I stand up I hear "Should she be out here with her shoulder?". I ride the wave not doing any tricks wanting to save my shoulder for the wave of the day. I paddle back to the boys when mouse says "You are so busted", "What why" I ask as whip went for a wave. "If gina finds out you went for a surf," he says laughing. "It was whips idea not mine, I planned to sleep all day" I say just as whip comes up behind me. I leave them to it and paddle to catch another wave that was a little bigger than the one before. I was about the stand up when I got cut off by a beginner surfer, getting dumped in the process. I surface to see the beginner paddling out to the break not knowing what he's done. "Stupid beginners" I say as I make my way back over to mouse. "Where's whip?" I ask looking around. "He and chappo got call to help on the beach, are you okay you took a beating then?" he asks. "Yeah I'm fine," I say as my shoulder starts getting painful but I ignore it as I see the wave of the day looming. "This is mine" I say looking at mouse who was just about to call it. I paddle hard looking to see no one on the wave but me. I stand up and get barrel at the start then shot out to do a layback but slip and get sucked up the lip then dumped. Being dumped is like being in a washing machine not that I've been in one but you get thrashed around not knowing which ways up. I got to swim up putting my arms out in front in case I hit the bottom and not the top which is exactly what I do causing my shoulder to scream in pain. I resurface to see mouse paddling fast to get to me before another wave hits as my board had been ripped away from me. "Ambs it's okay it got you" he says as I close my eyes scrunching up my face from the pain. We make it to a sand bank and I sand up holding my shoulder. "Did you swallow any water, does your shoulder hurt, what's the pain out of ten?" he fires questions at me his lifeguard side kicking in. "I'm fine my shoulder just hurts a little but I'm fine." I say walking out the water to see my board then a pair of legs behind it. I look up to see gina with an unimpressed look on her face mixed with anger. "You lied, are you okay?" she says putting her hand on my shoulder. "I'm fine" I say trying to pick up my board. "Don't ambs I got it" mouse says picking up my board as we walk to the tower. "Where's your dad?" she asks holding me helping me walk up the beach. "He got called to help on the beach" I say the pain getting worse. We reach the tower steps and walk up into the tower. "Ambs you okay?" Azza says leading me over to the medical bed. "Fine" I say getting annoyed by everyone asking me and watching over me like I'm a little kid. "No she's not she got dumped and hurt her shoulder" gina says to Azza. "Yeah ambs you need to get it checked out at the hospital to make sure you haven't done anymore damage." Mouse says walking up behind Azza after putting out boards under the tower. "NO I'm fine," I say getting up. "NO ambs your not, just let us look after you" mouse says. "I'M FINE I'M NOT A LITTLE KID, I can take care of myself," I say walking out the tower and to the change rooms. Mouse follows "Ambs where you going?," I don't answer I just walk into the change rooms and into the showers letting the warm water run over my now bruising shoulder.

Whip POV

I walk into the tower to see, Azza, mouse and gina. "What's going on" as soon as I say that mouse shoots put the door. Gina turns around looking pissed. "She went for a surf, did you know about this?" she asks, me not knowing what to say. "Yeah I was out with her before I got called to help on the beach" I say stating the truth. "What did I say?" she asks as I gulp. "To be careful of her shoulder?" I say like a question. By now we were the only ones at the back of the tower. "Ryan I told you not to let her surf," "No you said to be careful nothing about surfing" I say regretting it as soon as it leaves my mouth. "Whip I would shut up if I were you" Azza calls out form the top of the tower. "I would listen to him if I were you" she says not looking impressed. "I'm going to the shops and when I get back she better be at the hospital getting checked out our laying here in no pain" she says as I nod. She walks out and I let out a sigh of relief that she didn't yell at me well kinda. I walk up to the top and sit on one of the chairs. "Your so dead when you get home" Kerr box says looking at the beach. "I know" I say folding my arms resting them on the bench. 

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