Chapter 6

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"Ambs can I talk to you in my office please" Hoppo said while walking into the tower. "Yeah sure" I replied trying to think what I have done.

"You've done nothing wrong well kind of but not work related" Hoppo said sounding serious. " So what have I done for you to talk to me and not whip" "I've got a call from your principal saying that you've been skipping classes, is this true?". He asked sounding serious. I just sat here trying not to make eye contact. "I'll take that as a yes" he said sounding disappointed. "Why are you lecturing me and not whip?" I ask as I know whip will understand more than he will. "Since you work here I have to take responsibility for you, whip dosen't get called because when he inrolled you he put the office number down so if anything happens we know that someone will deffenetly pick up" hoppo explained."ohhhh" was all I replyed. "So have you been skipping classes?"he asked again. "Yes" I said. He just made a disappointed sigh, and me being me I rolled my eyes.

"Where have you been going?" "Surfing ours with the bra boys and shooting videos, I don't get whats so bad about skipping a few classes it's not like im learning anything" I stupidly said knowing what he was going to say back but I don't think before I speek (thats just me heheh). "I'm just going to give you a little lecture as I know whip will give you one to. You need to go to school as it's going to set you up in life without it you can't do anything" he lectured. I just sat listening but it went in one ear and out the other like normal."Well I pretty much have my life worked out with my surfing, all my music and dancing, my ironman stuff and lifeguarding. I think I'm good and they don't teach you how to achieve your goals all they teach you is s***". I kinda yelled at him to make him see my point of view. "Ambs i'm sure theres something else to why but im not going to bother you any more i'll leave it up to whip" "Fine" I said once again rolling my eyes. "But as of this i'll be taking you off the roster for a week" he said looking me straight in the eyes. "But""NO BUTS" "FINE" I yelled walking out his office in a huff.

Once I was out of hoppos office I broke down in tears knowing the only reason I was skippig classes was because I was to scarred to go in as people we threating me to kill myself or if I don't they will.

Once I sorted myself out I needed to clear my head and nothing better then a surf to do just that. I walked in the tower with my head hanging low so know one would notice i've been crying. I quickly grabbed my board and stripped off my uniform leaving me in my bikini and boardies. "Ambs what happened in hoppos office?" Mouse said "Ummmm nothing i'm just going for a surf i'll see you later" was all I said before I ran out the door with tears running down my face.

Once out in the water I paddled far out so I was just sitting there in flat water. At this point I was balling my eyes out. I've been suspended from the only thing that makes me happy, I'mprobably gonna get suspended from school for wagging and now lots of people are telling me to go kill myself and I believe them, it's not only people from school but seeing as I'm in the media i've been getting heaps of hate on twitter and instagram saying I suck and I should go die in a hole and no one would miss me if I died. I was thinking if these were true would the boys really miss me if I left, would whip miss me...probably not having to put up with me my whole life he would be free and I bet he would love that. Deep down I hope he would miss me a lot.

I stayed out in the water thinking for what seemed like ages. I finally decided to paddle back into shore.

Once I was back to shore I started making my way up the beach when someone grabed my arm. I turned around expecting it to be one of the boys but it was someone I didn't want to see. It was the bully that has been saying if you don't kill yourself I will. I was completely terrified of her. Every one thought she was a nice and hard working you know getting A's all the time even having a pretty name Jasmine. I Hated that bitch. "Let go of me please" I said politely hoping she would let go. "I don't think so, remember what I said at school if you don't I will" she said with a scary tone and an evil look on her face. "Please let me go" I yelled a little louder hoping someone would hear and come running. "Not after I do this" She let go of my arm but then took a big swing at me and hit me straight in the nose breaking it in the process. I fell to the sand with a thud. I was laying on the floor in pain but she didn't stop there she kept kicking me in the stomach and head making me see black spots then darkness takes over. All I could hear before I completely blacked out was my boys in blue running and screaming for an ambo.

Mouse POV

"Ambs can I talk to you in my office please" hoppo said walking into the tower. Ambs just shot me a look of what is this about I just shook my head knowing just as much as she does. She left and I heard the back door slam so I returned to watching the water.

SLAM the back door to the tower shut as someone walked in it was ambs coming back from hoppos office. I knew it didn't go good as when I asked how it went she rushed out the door with her board.

I was watching the water and my eyes landed on ambs but she was just sitting out the back. I couldn't see her face but I knew something wasn't right when ever something bad has happened she just paddles out the back and just sits there until she's read to come back in.

I saw her making her way back to the beach but someone was watching her waiting for her but i've never seen the girl before only abbi her bestfriend is who she hangs out with.

I continued watching when she reached the shore the girl that was waiting for her grabed her arm but not in a friendly way in an im gonna hurt you way. I kept watching and seconds later Isaw her take a swing at ambs and hitting her in the face quite hard,I could only watch in horror. She repeatedly kept kicking her in thestomach and head. I jumped out of my chair and sprinted out the tower and towards ambs who was now not moving.

"GET AWAY FROM HER" I scream at the girl that was bashing up ambs, she quickly sprints off into the crowd of people."AMBS AMBS CAN YOU HEAR ME" I yell at ambs to wake up but I get no response. "AMBS" I scream again but nothing. "CALL AN AMBO"I scream into the radio hoping one of the boys hears it.

I pick ambs up in my arms carfully and carry her up to the tower and put her on the medical bed. I start patching her up as she has heaps of cuts to her head. Also a broken nose.

The ambo finally arrives and I can't let her go bye herself so I hop in explaing to hoppo what happened. On the way I break the news to whip.

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