chapter 17

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The next two day go by slow, I wake up have breakfast and go back to bed, thats was my routine, but today was different we had to catch a plane at 12:30 to California then make our way to Orlando Florida. "heyy ambs have you packed yet?" gina walks in. "No not yet why?" I say standing up from my bed. "Start" she says."Your just like your dad" she laughs walking out my room and back into hers. I pull out my suit case from under my bed and start chucking in shorts and shirts then I start to put in all my camera equipment. I then get my yellow nike bag and put some of my nikes and Jordan's in and some hats. I then get out my ripcurl backpack and put my laptop, vlog camera, batteries, beats headphones and ipad as well as my phone. Yes I know i'm taking heaps of stuff dont judge. Once finished I head into whip and ginas room and see whip has just finished packing his stuff "You waited till the last minute too" whip said with a cheeky smile. "yeah I was done in like 5 minutes"I laugh

We finally finish packing and by we I mean gina let alone she did pack nixon's stuff too. Matt texted me saying he was outside. Whip takes all of the stuff and puts it in the back of the ute. "Okay everybody in the car" whip rushes lets just say we were running a bit late. "Ambs" "What" I say spinning around "Your in your pajamas" I look down "Oh yeah i'll be back" I run into my room. "Hurry" he yells. I change out of my pjs and into my rabbitohs shirt and shorts as I chuck on my bondi hoodie. I run out "better" whip says as I run under his arm thats across the door frame.

We finally make it to the airport and we go through security when I get stopped. "Miss what's in the black bag" he says pointing to the drone case. "My drone" I say looking at whip. We finally get through security and into the area where we wait to board the plane. I pull out my vlog camera and start to vlog when all of a sudden there was a scream followed by a group of people running, they came running up to me. "OMG I CANT BELIEVE ITS YOU" One of the girls screamed. "Can I have a picture and an autograph" one of the boys asks. "Yeah sure" he got me to sign a surfing poster of me and the girls got me to sign some of my albums. They finally leave but more and more people keep coming up, "maybe I shouldn't have tweeted I was here" I say looking at whip. "Yeah" he says laughing. We make it onto the plane before we got completely mobbed. We get on and make it to our seats then more and more people started to come up to me and all of a sudden we all got bumped up to first class as we were distracting the plane, which was fine with us. "why don't you just get a private jet, all of the famous celebs have one"matt asks. "I don't need a private jet" I say looking at him. "You kinda do look what you have caused they moved you up to first class cause you were distracting" he says. "well I think theres more things to life than having a private jet. Why don't celebs give the money to charity or poor countries that are struggling to get food and water instead of waisting money so they can fly by themselves, thats why I don't want a private jet I want to make my money worth wild" I explain. "Wow I didn't know how you felt ambs, thats good"matt said taken back. "yes I brought you up well" whip says proudly.

We take off and get in the air. I pull out my laptop and start to edit my vlog as awell as doing some school work so I won't have to worry about it in Florida. I have this thing with planes where I can't sleep cause if I do I'm scared the plane is gonna crash and this flight is a good 14 hours so 14 hours with hardly anything to do a extremely sore shoulder and at some stages a crying nixon, well this is going to be great. I look over to see whip watching a movie same with matt and I see gina with nixon sleeping in her arms can I just say thats one of the cutest things ever.

About 6 hours in i've watched 2 movies, edited the vlog, done a lot of my school work and i'm still so bored. I look over to ask whip something to see him sleeping with nixon in his arms. (can I just say thats one of the hottest things a guy can do) I look and think I hope one day when I find the man of my dreams he will be an amazing dad just as amazing as whip and will always be there for our kids like whip is always there for me without him even knowing.

We finally make it to California and head into LAX. All of a sudden there was heaps of fans screaming and photographers taking photos. I had nixon in my arms and I was trying to cover his face, he snuggled down into me and put his head in the crook of my neck. I hated this I hated how people can't respect our privacy enough to stop and let us through it was one of the things I hated especially when I had nixon he's only 2 and doesn't deserve to have people flashing a camera at his face.

We pushed our way out of LAX and into shays car. "holy hell that was kaotic" I say jumping in the passenger side of his ute. "Freaking photographers" he laughs. "so how are ya?" he asks the fam. "Yeah all good, thanks for picking us up mate" whip thanks shay. "no problem lets get out of here" he says trying to pull out of LAX.

We catch up on the way back to shays apartment, it was about 11:00am. We get to his apartment and we make our way up and walk in. " Amberryyy" brock says running up to me giving me a big hug, I pick him up and spin around. "How are ya mate" I say placing him on my hip. "Gooooood" he replies laughing, place him down and great everybody. We stay for about an hour before we head to our apartment.

We go to bed early as we have to catch another plane to Florida early tomorrow morning. "Night kiddo, don't stay up to late okay" whip says kissing my head. "Yup night." I reply editing my vlog.  

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