Chapter 4

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Whip POV

Its been 3 days ambs has been in a coma and her condition hasn't changed one bit. The boys have been coming around in lunch breaks and after work as have some of the bra boys, I've just been sitting by her bed side holding her hand and not letting go.

"Hey I brought you some clothes from home" Gina whispered as she walked into the room. "Thanks" was all I could get out. After the accident I haven't been able to talk much as I can only think about ambs. "I'll just get dressed be back in a sec" I said to gina. "Here hold her hand she like's it when someone does that" Iexplained.

Gina POV

Whip had just gone to get changed into some new clothes as he hasn't left ambs bed side. I don't blame him he's been there for her her whole life and when something like this happens I can't imagine what he's feeling, really heart broken. I just have to be here for him like a good wife like he's there for me when im upset.

I was holding onto ambs hand crying when I felt a pair of arms slide around my waist. "She will get through this, it's ambs we are talking about she's our little fighter" whip wispered into myear. "Our little fighter?" I questioned the 'our' part as I haven't been in ambs live as long as whip has been but I've been there long enough to have a motherly bond with her. "Yes our" he whispered again. I could feel wet droplets on my shoulder, turning around he was softly crying I put my hand on his wet cheek softly running my thumb across.

Whip POV

After about 10 minutes we were interupted by a small knock at the door. "Come in" I said quietly. "Hey how's our little soldier doing" hoppo said quietly. "Nothings changed but we do know at she will eventually wake up" I said so all the boys could here. "When" was all I got from kobi. "Time can only tell really" I said while looking at ambs willing her to wake up.

It has been 2 weeks ambs has been in a coma and I was hoping her beautiful brown eyes would open up soon.

The boys have been visting heeps but I've never left herside even when the boys were beging me to go home and have a shower and a few hours sleep but I wanted to be here if she wakes up knowing ambs she will be so freaked out and completely drained.

I was in my usual spot by her bed holding her hand saying the only 4 words every so often "Please wake up soon". As soon as I said that I felt her fingers moving in my hands. I jumped up "common ambs you can do it wake up baby please" I cryed but In a happy cry for the first time in 3 weeks. I then saw her eyes twich and fludder open. She looked confused and scared "Ambs its alright your in hospital i'm here im not goinganywhere" I cryed.

"Whip" was the fisrt thing that came out of her mouth. "Yeah baby girl I'm here" she then signalled for me to hug her. "Is my board okay" she asked. i just laughed, she was finally back, i finally had my baby girl back.


All I could ask was "Is my board ok" whip just laughed and said it was fine probly thinking im finally back.

It's been 3 hour's since I've been awake and so far in the room is Whip, Gina, Cory, Adriel, Max and Jesse, but all I wanted was just to get out of here I hate hospitals and when I mean hate I mean HATE. I just can't stand them they give you the yuckyest food and it's just all white and ughh I just hate hospitals.

Whip POV

Its been 3 hours since ambs has waken up and all the family is in the room but you could tell she was getting frustrated being here.

"Ambs just calm down you'll be out soon okay" I laughed. "ughh I want to get out of here!!!" she yelled but then laughed.


"I want to get out of here" I screamed but then laughed at myself. "Well if your dad is willing to sign your release forms you will be out very soon" my doctor came in smiling. I looked at whip then back at the doctor then back to whip not believing that I would be able to go home. "Really" whip said standing up to talk to the doctor. "Yes her results have come back clear all she has to do is rest for a week or too then just take it easy then you'll be back to normall in know time. "WHIP hurry up and sign the papers" I yell at him wanting to get out as fast as possible."Well I recon we just wait another hour or too you know to make sure your really fit to go home" he says in a funny tone. "GO WHIP" I yell while laughing as does every one in the room including the doctor.

"I'll be back in a sec get yourself ready okay take it EASY" he yells the last part to get it through my thick head. "Just go" I say back while getting out of bed.

Gina was helping me out of bed as the rest of the guys said their good byes. Once I had finally gotten dressed with a lot of help from gina we had time left to talk. "How's he really been?" Isaid looking at gina wanting to know the truth. "Okay I guess he was really upset at the start when he found out you were in a coma. He didn't really talk to anyone just kept to himself, I mean I can't complain he calls you his daughter and I know you love him like a dad and in a way he is i just can't imagine what he's feeling" she truthfully answered for me.

"Wow I didnt know" I didn't have any words he is like a father to me and I can't believe I just put him through 2 weeks of toucher.

"How are you, are you ok" I said. "I'm fine. I mean it was hard at first getting the call saying you were on your way to hospital but I kinda have to suck it up for whip as he was hurting the most" She explained while tears were rolling down her cheek.

"You are like my mother you don't have to suck it up. You've been there for me when I needed you and you've been willing to listen to every problem I have just to make me feel like I have someone to talk to". I said wrapping my arms around her. "You can always come to me if you need someone to talk to if whip can't listen or you want a female to talk to okay never feel like i'm just there to be nice i'm there because I love you" she whispered the last part now fully crying. "I love you too" I whispered crying on her shoulder.

"Ready to go" whip said walking in not noticing we were having a moment. "Hey what's wrong" he said coming over to us. "Nothing just having a little chat thats all" gina spoke up."Okay well let's get you both home so I can take care of you both"Whip said while laughing.

Whip POV

"Ready to go" I said walking into the room not noticing that they were having a little moment. I knew what they have been talking about and I can understand how gina is feeling, wanting to be there for ambs but also be there for me at the same time.


"Finally im FREE" I yell as I step out side the hospital just as my face hits the nice cool fresh air.

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