Chapter 18

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I wake up at about 7:30 and as always check my social media I mean who doesn't. I then get up and head into Gina and whips room to see them up and getting ready. "Get ready ambs we're heading off in 20" whip says packing up his stuff. "Okay" I say as I walk back into my room getting changed I put on my billabong shirt and some basketball shorts, chucking my hair into a pony tail and putting on my FTW hat, spy sunnies, my rip curl watch and my air Jordan retro 1 golden black Jordan's and start packing my bag. I get my Nike yellow bag and put my laptop, laptop charger, phone charger, ipad and my other camera equipment back in.

We finally leave the apartment and head to LAX. We get through security and make it to the boarding lounge and wait for our flight to be called. We see Shay and the fam coming through security Shay vlogging so I pick up my camera to just in time for shay to set off the metal detector. I just sit there laughing my head off vlogging the whole thing. He finally makes it through. "Where you vlogging that" he says laughing coming over to me. "Yeah" I laugh.

"Flight 126 to Orlando Florida is now boarding" a voice came over the speakers. We all and by all I mean Me, Whip, Gina, Nixon, Matt, Shay and his wife and kids, Shays sister Carlie and her husband Jackson (that's so exciting, if you're a shaytards fan you know what I mean) and Cooper, Casey and his family as well as his mum and dad. Yes the Whole crew was coming to playlist. We all finally make it onto the flight taking up most of the plane. I was sitting next to Whip and Shay as Gina was sitting next to Colette.

It wasn't a long flight but I'm still jet lagged I mean I should be sleeping now back in Australia not just starting the day. "When we get to the hotel can we go to bed?" I ask while vlogging. "Nope we have a 2 hour meet and greet in about half an hour" matt says walking up behind me "for reals" " Yup get ready to sign and hug some fans for the next 2 hours" matt said into the camera I just put my head on whips shoulder as he wraps his arm around my waist. "HAHAHAHAHAH suck you have a two hour meet and greet" shay laughs vlogging. "Yeah well you have to look after the Maker booth for an hour" Alli says to shay. "HAHAHAHAH SUCK" I laugh at shay jumping on his back as he frowns. "Careful of your shoulder" both Whip and Gina yell.

We get to the hotel and there are heaps of fans waiting outside to hopefully see one of their favourite you-tuber's. We make our way up to our room and we're right next to shays room. "Better keep your kids under control," I laugh to shay "That's impossible and you know it," he laughs. We chuck our bags and stuff down and head out back into the hall where we will be having our meet and greet. We enter the room and there are fans screaming my name as me, Whip, Gina and Nixon are surrounded by bodyguards.

We are hidden behind a curtain and I just poke out my vlog camera and the line screams. We were then allowed go through the curtain and I go first and whip, Gina and nix follow and the whole place erupts in screams and cheers. "WHAT'S UP EVERYBODY" I scream to my line and I just get back screams. "Okay lets get this started" I vlog.

2 and a half hours later we finally finish. Nixon is out he's sleeping on Gina's shoulder and I'm about to pass out and it's only 12:30. "Can we go to bed now?" I vlog as I lean on whips shoulder. "Nope your due on stage in an hour" matt said as we exit the room and head into the hall with all the booths.

We head over to the new Trixin booth. "Dude this looks amazing" I exclaim to shay and Derek. "Do you really think?" Derek asks. "Yeah mate". "Come in and go see Logan and he'll hook you up with some stuff." "sweet thanks mate, you coming to the stage to watch me perform?" I ask "Yeah wouldn't miss it for the world" he laughs. I head over to Logan with whip as Gina is talking with Colette.

Logan hooks us up with some sweet Trixin gear before I have to go to the stage for sound check. 

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