Chapter 5

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It's been a few days since I was let out of hospital and me, whip, gina and little nix were all in the kitchen cooking my favourite breakfast BACON and EGGS. "I can't believe it's been 2 weeks scince I last ate thats a flippin record" I laughed as I LOVE  my food. "Hahaha well enjoy it ambs because soon your making your own breakfast again" whip laughed. I just grumped.

It's now been 1 week since I got let out and the doctor said if I rest for a whole week I can start to surf again which I was soooo happy about. A weeks the longest I've been without a surf.

I texted abbi, luke and riley asking if they wanted to go for a morning surf down at bondi. I got a reply instantly from abbi saying "YESSSS I HAVE MISSED YOU SOOOO MUCH" yup thats differentially my friend as she always wrote in capitals when she is exited.

"BYE" I called out to gina. "Where are you going?", "Bondi for a surf and yes i'll take it easy and yes whip will be there bye love you". "Ok love you too" was all I heard as the door shut behind me.

I walked down and on to the pravillion thinking how much this place means to me. The warm summer sun and the blue blue ocean with some good waves crashing on the shore. I saw the tower getting closer and closer.

As soon as I walked into the tower I was pounced on by the boys saying how much they have missed me mucking around in the tower with them. "Missed you to boys but I have a surf to get to"I said while walking out the door and down the stairs. "WAIT WHAT"whip yelled. "Im going for a surf don't worry i'll be fine the waves aren't even that big and i'll have abbi, riley and luke to look out for me" I said trying to walk down the beach. "Fine be CARFULL" heyells. "I WILL" I yell back while laughing.

As soon as I spot my best friends I run up to them and jump straight into their arms. "Missed you guys sooooo much" I laughed. "Missed ya to ambs" riley said as he wrapped me in a massive bear hug. "Yeah abbis been driving us crazy" Luke laughed while ribbing abbi. "well we can't let these perfect waves go to sloppy beginers" Riley laughed. "LETS SURFFFF" I yell laughing while running into the water with my best friends.

While I was sitting out the back waiting for a good wave I was thinking how perfect my live was right at this moment I have good health again, whip, gina and nixon my little family and then I have the best friends anyone can ask for. Life was good. 

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