Chapter 8

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Whip POV

Ambs was luckily let out of hospital the same day. It was about 4:30 in the afternoon and I left ambs at home with gina and nix to keep her company but I was on my way to one destination and that was hoppo's office.

"HOPPO" I scream entering his office but he wasn't there so I turned around heading for the tower by now I was really fuming. "BRUCE" I scream using his real name to show i'm being serious as I enter the tower. "Whippet calm down" hoppo says as he walks towards me. "DON'T come any closer or you'll regret it"I say so serious. "Ryan outside and to my office please" he says trying to make me move over to his office so we can have a 'private'chat. "NO why would you go and accuse ambs for wagging when you don't have all the facts. And your meant to have me there if it has anything to do outside work, I trusted you with that and you broke that trust and she ends up in hospital, how could you" I scream at him. "Ryan calm down please lets talk about this" he said trying to calm me but I was to fired up. "If you didn't take the one thing that meant the world to her she wouldn't have been so upset to go for a surf by herself and get attacked after" I scream at him. "Ryan please over to my office" "I trusted you and look what happens you put my kid in hospital" I say trying to calm down but it's not working i'm so fired up that he broke our trust. "Whip mate go for a surf and clam down otherwise your going to do something you WILL regret" chappo says while walking over to me with my board. "FINE but i'm not finished" I yell. "Mate just go and cool off and come back when you have calmed down" chappo says stepping in front of hoppo. I push my way out of the tower staring down hoppo as I leave.

I walk down to the waters edge and rip of my shirt as i'm just in my boardies and I make my way into the water. I paddle out past the breakers and think about everything that has happened today and everything else that will happen later.

Once i've calmed down a bit I paddle back into the take off zone and catch a nice little wave that takes me straight into shore. I walk onto the sand and I see chappo holding a towel for me"Thanks" Is all I say. "Whip I know your upset and I know your in the right and he's in the wrong but dude calm down a bit if you say the wrong thing you could lose your job its the boss remember"chap says in the way of i'm just looking out for my best mate. "Yeah I know but at the end of the day I don't care of I lose my job ambs comes first" I say and meaning it. "I know she dose she's your world aside from gina and nix" he says.

We walk back up the beach and into the tower but hoppo isn't there. "Where is he?" I ask the rest of the boys. "In his office, mate your in the right we are here if you need us we are going to back you up 100%" reidy said turning around. "Thanks mate" I said as I left the tower and walked my way over to hoppos office.

I knock on his door and he answers straight away. "Come in" he said I just walked in not saying anything. "Im sorry about what happened to ambs and I know i'm in the wrong I be-trade you and i'm sorry" he said looking dead at me to show he was serious."Sorry doesn't cut it you blamed her for something she didn't mean to do and then you took the one thing that she cares so much about away from her" I say leaning forward on my chair so my elbows are on the edge of the desk. "Also what happened to ambs wasn't completely my fault but I had a lot to do with it and again i'm so sorry I put you through that" he said looking upset that he had hurt ambs. "Do you have the cctv footage of the attack" I ask wanting it to show the police and catch the girl thats made my little girls life miserable. "I don't know i'll check and get back to you,how can I make it up to you" he says wanting my trust back but he's not getting it back that easy. "I don't know but you have to make it up to ambs to, And i'm sorry but i'm not forgetting this anytime soon" I say knowing I will never forget this. "Again i'm sorry and I would like to now exactly why she was not going to school but that can be another time" he says "Yes she can tell you when she's ready" I say. "I've got to get back to ambs but i'm sure she'll want to talk to you soon" I say standing up to leave. "Thank you Ryan and again i'm sorry" I just nod my head while walking out his office and walking to the car to go back to my family that I love.  

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