Chapter 10

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I wake up to the sound of whip getting ready for work.I look at my watch and it's 6:30 may as well get up. I head into the kitchen and see whip having a quick breakfast. "Morning ambs what you doing today?" he asks as I walk up and he wraps his arms around me for a warm hug. "I'm gonna head to shark studios and do some videos and editing" I say as I make my breakfast. "Ahh fun I finish at 2 then going to the gym to run a class want to come?" "Yeah i'll be about 2:30 ok" "Yup I gotta go love you bye" "Bye" I wave as he heads out the door. I start to get ready for my day I put my hair up in it's normal pony tail and chuck my FTW singlet on with my minni shorts. I start to prepare my bag for today I chuck in my water bottle work out clothes and my bathers incase we finish at the gym early and I wanna go for a surf. I chuck on my FTW snapback, my okaly sunnies, my black thongs and my vlog camera in hand. I walk out my room and into the kitchen and say good bye to gina and kiss nixon on the head and grab my boosted board as I walk out the door and start skating to shark studios.

Once I arrive at shark studios my phone starts blaring out In The Summer time yup its my ringtone, I look at the caller ID 'Shay Carl'.

A: Hey shay whats up

S: hey ambs nothing much where are you

A: im just heading into shark studios why?

S: conference call remember

A: oh yeah sorry I forgot been a big weekend

S: Yeah I saw on instagram I hope your okay

A: thanks okay now i'll call you back in like 10 I gotta get set up and every thing

S: okay see ya in 10 bye

A: bye

I get off the phone with shay and head into my office. I chuck down my bag and grab my laptop. I start to make my way down to the conference room and quickly stopped in the kitchen to grab some water and food I'm all ways hungry don't judge. I walk into the conference room and set up my laptop and call Shay. Once he finally picks up he has the family with him.

We talk about youtube and playlist live and the up coming events that we have to attend. I talk about how I wanna have a meet up in California next month. "Are you having a little concert aside from playing at playlist live?" shay asks as I write down all the meet up stuff. "Um yeah its only little but I got tickets for you guys and everyone else" "Oh sweet thanks and your coming to stay with us right not in a cheep hotel" "Well I was going to stay in a hotel but if it's ok with you" not really wanting to stay in a hotel by myself. "Ok your staying with us and your going to have to crash with rocktard again" "YESS love little rocktard" "I gotta go i'll call you at the end of the month and tell you my flights and stuff" I say as it turns 12. "Yeah okay give us a call soon bye" "Bye" I hang up and close the lid of my laptop. I puck up my stuff and start walking back to my office for about 2 hours of editing to do but before I start I go to the kitchen and ask Joey to make me a bacon and egg roll and to please bring it to my office. 

Whip POV

"Its hectic down there today" I say puffing and dripping water as I walk into the tower after a mass rescue. "Yeah heaps of backpackers" deano replies while picking up the binos. 'Knock Knock' I hear at the back door I go and answer it and standing there with my little boy is my b-e-a-utiful wife. "Hey babe come in what you doing here" "Well me and nixon wanted to take you out for a quick lunch before you get back to work" "Oh awesome let's go" I say while I walk her back out the door and head to the bucket list.

After a lovely lunch I had to get back to work and on the walk back to the tower I said "Ambs was thinking about going to California soon as she wants to do a meet up" "Oh okay cool we will talk about it at dinner tonight okay, i'll meet you down here a bit later for a swim and surf bye" she says as she kisses me "Ok bye love you" "Love you too". I walk back into the tower to finish my shift.

It had turned 1:30 which Is when my shift ends. I race over to the change rooms and changed into my gym gear and headed to lifecycle.


It was 2:15 I had uploaded the vlog and my other surfing videos so I headed out my office and jumped on my boosted board down to lifecycle to meet whip. I arrived at the gym and headed to get changed. After I got changed I joined whip who was about to start his last class. "A lot of you might know my daughter ambs she will be here to help run this session with me so lets not waist any more time and lets get stuck into it" whip explained.

The gym session was over everyone was laying on the floor puffed. "That's when you know your a good trainer is when everyone is puffing laying on the floor" I vlogged high fiving whip.

"Thanks everyone same time next week" whip said. "Get your stuff we are going for a surf" whip said walking over to the front desk.

We made our way down to bronte the waves were pumping a solid 5 foot which is good for bronte.

Gina POV

I was cooking dinner waiting for whip and ambs to come home I had some exciting news for whip.

The front door opened and I heard whip and ambs laughing. "Hey what's for dinner?" they both said at the same time. "Pasta go have a quick shower it has to cool down" I laugh talking to ambs. "Okay" was all she said before she disappeared into the bathroom with sand following. "I'm gonna have a shower as well" whip announced but I stopped him. "Wait come with me I have to tell you something" I said holding his hand leading him into the bathroom."What is it?" he asked with a confused expression on his face. I pick up.....

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