Chapter 12

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I wake up to the sound of someone throwing up. I get up and walk to the bathroom to see gina throwing up and whip holding her hair. "What happened" I ask. "She's not feeling well" whip said as gina got up and started brushing her teeth. "I think I ate something yesterday that didn't agree with me" she says after spitting into the sink. "Okay um i've got a shift at bondi till 5 so i'll be home late tonight" I say heading out the bathroom door. "wait" I turn around to look at whip "What" I say. I see gina smack his arm as she wipes her face with her towel. "Nothing don't worry i'll tell you later. "O-kay" I turn around walking back to my room confused whip was acting weird. I chuck on my sports bra and my FTW singlet over and chuck on my white mini shorts. I put my Trixin flat cap on and my spy sunnies on top. Put my hair in a ponytail, put my contacts in and put my ripcurl watch on as I grab my electric skateboard and remote and head out the door vlogging.

Whip POV

"I almost blew it" I say to gina giving her a hug. "Yeah lucky you didn't." She laughts into my chest. "I don't know if I can make it through today without telling someone" I say as I lead her back into the bedroom. "Yeah you will, come on pj and bed day" she says wraping her self back up in the dona and sheets. "I'll get nix" "Oh yeah I forgot we had one already haha" "Mmm yeah haha" we joke. 


I arrive at bondi and head to the change rooms. I unlock my locker and change into my board shorts and bikini and chuck my shirt over the top. I lock my board in and on charge. I head over to the tower vlogging as someone runs up behind me screaming "LIFEGUARD LIFEGUARD" I turn around to see a man " mate whats wrong" " my girlfriend just got assulted and the guys run off up to southend" okay mate come in but you have to clam down i'll help"

Boys we have a runner this mans girlfriend has been assaulted the guy has done a runner up to southend" I say running into the tower.

"Okay mate whats the guy wearing" mouse asked theman. "He was wearing green shorts and no shirt" he says running his hand through his hair. "and where is your girl?" mouse asked "She's down in the middle of the beach" he says "Okay mate i'll take you and we will bring her back here okay come with me" chap says as he takes the man down to the rhino. "I got the guy ambs" Gonzo says showing me the camera screen. "I'm gonna meet him up on the pravillion radio me if he moves okay" "yeah be safe" gonzo says.

I run out of the tower down to southend on the pravillion. "He's running ambs he's going up behind the surf club" gonzo radios. "Copy". I run after the guy. I run up behind the surf club to see him having a breather but he sees me and starts sprinting off up to the car park. "Call the coppas" I radio. "On their way". I run after they guy as he changes direction and heads to the playground but turns around to make sure I was gone but he sees me and changes direction again and heads up the hill to camble parade. I slip and fall on the concrete and scrap up all my leg and arm but I get up and charge for this guy. I finally catch up and jump onto his back and he falls onto the ground with a massive thud. Lucky the coppers were right there sam corys brother is a police officer and he took over from me and put his knee in the middle on his back as he handcuffed the guy. He then started to haul abuse and swearing. "Mate these kids around quit swearing" I say to the guy. "You can't tell me what to do your only a kid" he screams back adding a few swear words in as well. "Yeah well that kid took you down so I would shut your mouth If I were you" sam said as everyone who was looking and listening laughed as they guy got put in the back of the cop car. "Thanks" sam and the rest of the coppers said.

I started to walk back to the tower as I felt the stinging in my arm and legs beging to hurt badly. The adrenalin was wearing off. "Holy crap boys that was heactic" I say into myradio. "Did ya catch the bloke" mouse radios "Yeah" They just laugh back. "Head down to backpackers" mouse says. "Copy". As soon as I near backpackers I see a whole lot of tourists get swept of the bank and start to go under. I race to the waters edge strip down grab the board and head in. I paddle to the group and theres about 6 of them all hanging onto my board. I look over and harries is doing a rescue about 10 meters to the left. I look over to my right and see another guy drowing 3 meters from me I have no choice but to ditch my board and swim over to him. I reach him and out of pure fear and panic he pushes me under. I swim down to get out of his gasp. I then swim up and pull the guy towards the already loaded board. I then look back at the beach to see harries and maxi backing me up.

We finally get everybody back to shore. "holy crap they all just went" I say to the boys. "Yeah I was running down and saw you ditch your board I was like where you going then you just pull this guy up from know where." maxi explains "yeah he pushed me under so he could stay above water" "What happened to your arm and leg ambs" harries says. "I was chasing the guy that assaulted the woman and I slipped and scraped my arm and leg" I say looking at my cuts that are stinging badly. "Go to the tower and patch it up i'll drive ya it looks painfull. "Thanks yeah freaking kills, You got the rip maxi?" I ask "yeah go get patched up kiddo." maxi replies.

Harries drops me off at the bottom of the tower stairs and drives off back to maxi. I walk into the tower and to the medical bed and start opening the cupboard looking for the medical stuff. "What you doing ambs?" azza asks. I fell over and scraped my arm and legs while I was chasing that guy". I say rumbling through the medical cupboard. "here let me" mouse comes around the corner. "holy crap you did good" he laughs. "Yeah stings" I say. "You did good to catch the guy" mouse says. "mm yeah" I reply feeling like i'm gonna faint. "Ambs you okay" "mm" "Ambs" was the last I hear as I passed out.

Mouse POV

"Ambs" "Ambs wake up, oi azza come here quick" I shout up to azza. "ambs wake up ambs" I yell as I slightly slap her face. "Call and ambo kobi" "Copy"


I wake up with a jolt. "ambs lay back down its ok you passed out" mouse explains softly putting me back down. "i feel sick" I slurr. "you gonna throw up" mouse asks. I nod my head and he quickly gets me a bucket but its too late I vomit all over the tower floor. "sorry" "narr its ok ambs keep that oxy on" 

'Knock Knock' the back door opens and mouse tells the paramedics to go through the other door. Who better then yak. "oh I see you sick ambs" I nod. "Great it stinks" he says. "yeah sorry" I laugh. "How you feeling now" he ask as he walks around the vomit mouse yet has to clean up haha. "yeah I feel heaps better than before" I explain. "Okay well your vital signs are all good you were just dehydrated. What happened to your leg and arm?" yak asks. I explaned what happened and he patched me up. "okay your all good i'm gonna go and let someone clean this up" he laughs. "haha mouse hahah thanks yak." "no worries see ya boys" "Catch yabobby" the boys yell.

"Come up here ambs and just rest and watch the water for a bit" kobi says helping me to the top of the tower. " sorry mouse and azza" I say as they start to clean up my vomit. "all good ambs" they chime.

It was about 3 in the afternoon and I was still in the tower the boys told me to not leave and it sucked. I hear the back door open and someone say "holy crap whats that smell" I see itchy walk up the little stairs holding his nose. "Ambs vomit mouse laughs as I smirk looking out the window. "The heck ambs that stinks" he says sitting next to me. " Yeah I know thats why every window is open and we have run out of air freshener" I laugh.

About 2 hours later I hear the back door go again and someone say "holy crap whats that smell" I just laugh and mouse says "your daughters vomit that I had to clean up" mouse said as he slapped whips back and walked to the fridge. "What happened and what happened to your arm and legs" whip said shocked sitting down. I explained everything for like the hundredth time that day.

"Well gina is waiting outside so get your stuff have a quick shower in the change rooms and meet us down north okay" "Yeah why" I ask confused. "Beach walk" "Okay i'll be like 10 minutes"  

Clark Family : Bondi Rescue FanFicTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon