Chapter 3

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Uncle Dennis' POV

I see the dead raven and the strange logo on its back. What does it mean? Where did it come from?

"Uncle Dennis, look." Crys points up, and I look in that direction. There's a big, red hole in the sky.

I officially go into panic mode. "Holy shit Crystal! We're gonna die!" I throw my arms up in the air. "This is not good at all. Not good, nope." I start pacing.

"I recognize the sign on it's back, it's a band logo..." Crystal says.

"Is your band from the pits of Hell? Because it damn looks like it!" I pace even faster.

Crystal screams. "Uncle De-"

I turn around and find no one there. "Crystal?!" Oh my god. I just lost her.


Crystal's POV

"Is your band from the pits of Hell? Because it damn looks like it!"

I feel a presence behind me while my uncle says that. I quickly turn around, only to meet eyes with a tall, dark figure standing only inches away from my face. "Uncle Dennis!" I scream. But I'm taken away probably too quickly for him to hear.


I squirm, trying to escape. I feel handcuffs around my arms and there's a rope tied around my mouth so I can't speak.

I'm in some sort of chair, in a dark alley and it's still pouring rain.

"Hehp mh," Is all I'm able to say.

"Shut up, Runaway." A scratchy, deep voice boomed at me.

My heart skips a beat, because I don't know someone's in the room with me. "Whs thre?" I choke out.

"You don't need to know."

"Leth mh go!"

"You're a stupid one, aren't you."

"Whth do you wanth froh mh?!" I hiss.

"I want to kill you."

I sit there in silence. Wait... He called me a Runaway. That's from the Crown the Empire album...

"Why'th you call mh a Rnthaway?" I ask, knowing immediately after that I should stop talking to this guy.

"You are one, aren't you?"

I don't answer.

"Done. Here, I'm gonna tell you a story. Not just a story, but the last story of your life." He takes out a syringe, with a red substance inside it. When he turns to me, I still can't see his face. "Once upon a time, there was The Raven. He had an army called The Scarecrows, which is what I am. Together, we assembled our army behind the walls of Aeon City. The Scarecrows destroyed The Runaways and their leaders. But little do you know, stupid little Runaway, we work for The Devil." He flicks his syringe and gets ready to inject the substance into my neck.

There's a loud crash, and the entire alley brightens up with a flash of white.

I feel the puddles from the rain splash all over my face, and someone unties the rope from my mouth and unlocks the handcuffs.

I stand and turn around, about to run for my life.

"Crystal. You have to come with me, there's no time." I recognize this young man's face. He grabs my arm, and drags me with him.

"Who are you? How do you know my name? Don't touch me!" I push him off of me and wipe the cold, wet hair off my face.

"Crystal." He repeats, shouting over the wind. "We have to go."

"No, I'm not letting you come another step closer until you tell me what the hell is going on and how you know me." I cross my arms, pretending like I'm not cold in the pouring rain.

"My name is Andrew. We're under attack. Now come on, they're coming."


Kay so I said CTE would be in this chapter but they're like... Barely included I'm so sorry :')
But yea, basically this is about The Resistance story that CTE made throughout their album and also the Johnny trilogy.. so be ready for that ahah

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