Chapter 12

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Crystal's POV

We're all put into groups. There's 16, but only 10 stations.

"What about the other six groups not at a station?" Somebody asks.

Andy smiles. "You guys get to eat breakfast! You're welcome."

Some cheer. But overall, the crowd is dead and tired.


I'm put into the knot tying station. There are nine other people in my group, about six of them my age and three a little younger. Oh, and Andy.

There's a big TV on the wall of the room, with instructions on the screen.

"Making a Barrel Hitch:

Stand the barrel on the lifting rope.

Tie an Overhand Knot across the top.

Spread the Overhand Knot until it embraces the top of the barrel.

Join the ends with a Bowline and lift.

Alternatively, lay the Overhand Knot on the floor, and place the barrel on the center and tighten."

There are images to go along with it - it's supposed to tie around a bucket.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I say angrily and undo the knot for the hundredth time.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Andy asks.

"I can't get past a step. It's pissing me off."

I'll help you. He smiles generously.

I show him my steps, and where I'm stuck.

Andy holds my hand. "Go around the loop, and twist." He says, guiding me.

"Like..." I do as he says. "This?"

"Perfect." He stays in his place and continues to hold my hand without letting go.

"Thank you, I don't know what I'd do without your help." I say.

"You wouldn't be able to tie a barrel hitch, that's what."

I laugh. "Is this even necessary? I don't need to learn how to tie this."

He throws a bucket. "Go get that."

"No! What the hell?" I say, laughing.

"Okay, fine. Then hold onto your rope."

I hold tight, and he throws the bucket attached to it.

"Go get that." He says.

I reel my rope in, and grab the bucket.

"See, much easier. You do need it." He smiles and pats my head.


Brandon's POV

I'm up in the woods with my group. We get a rest first, because there are 6 groups but only 4 stations today.

"G-guys." I say to some of the boys standing around. "Can you call e-everyone from their t-t-tents? It's breakfast."

They nod, and go knocking on tents.

I jump into my tent that I share with Benn. There's a smell, like death and chemicals.

"What the fuck?" I say.

I turn, facing Benn's sleeping bag and I find a dead raven with the cog and crown symbol spraypainted on it's back.

"Holy shit!" I shout, backing away. I lean on the front of the tent, reaching for the zipper to get out - only to see my hand covered in black paint.

I turn around.

Don't ever trust the Devil, bitch. We're coming.

I link this message to the raven.

Oh my god, it's Johnny. The boy I used to watch over.

I grab my walkie talkie, linked to all of the speakers on our property.

"Code black, r-repeat. Code black, we're g-going into l-l-lockdown." I say into the device, and run downstairs.

I turn corners, zooming past everyone to get to the security room.

I then click the big red button that reads, "intruder warning".


Wowowow :o
Haha, I feel like I made CTE seem really unorganized in this story. But that's okay! I can blame it on Bones. x')

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