Chapter 25

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Crystal's POV

Andy calls an urgent meeting for leaders.

We all meet in the lobby of the building we stay in.

"What's going on?" Brent asks.

Andy glances at Brandon. "Hayden, Dave, Brent. We haven't had the chance to tell you this yet, but Johnny found a way into the IRH. We think. It's the only possible explanation."

"What happened?" Dave tenses up.

Andy explains the entire thing from the window to his thoughts on the attack and what happened to Claire.

"So what, you wanna get her back? We don't even know who she is." Dave throws his hands in the air.

Andy nods. "We've avoided it for so long. Don't you realize that she's a Runaway? She's one of us, and we didn't even bother to find her."

"Yeah. Because we don't know who she fucking is." Dave lifts an eyebrow.

"We don't. But some of the Runaways do. Meghan knows her, for gods sake."

"Listen. We may have lost all memory of the attack and this Claire girl. But how would the Runaways know? If we can't remember, then why can they?"

"Are you ready doubting our own friends?" Andy mutters.

Dave shakes his head. "I just don't think this is a good idea, man. We don't even know her. She could just be a Scarecrow that we held hostage. And we don't even know if she's still alive, it's been six months."

"I understand. But I think it's worth a shot."

"And if we die? We're the most hated Runaway group in Aeon city."

"We don't." Andy shrugs. "Simple as that."


Days go by. Our plan is to go back to our base camp and find Claire's files.

We've been training or asses off, just in case the place is raided with Scarecrows. Me, Meghan, Andy, Dave, Bones and Brandon will travel back to the base camp to find any missing clues.

"Alright. You're up, Crys." Andy says to me, and opens the door to a stimulation room. "Good luck." He kisses my forehead.

"Thanks." I say, entering the room.

The blue light flashes across my body.

"Name: Crystal Danics.
Birth date: 06/30/96
Birth location: Toronto, ON
Age: 19
Height: 5'5
Year joined: 2015
Level: 4"

Damn. I didn't know that I'm already at level 4.

This time, the stimulation doesn't tell me to pick any weapons.

It goes directly to the scene. I'm in a building. Everything's white, and it's extremely futuristic.

As I turn to view my surroundings, there are noises coming from beside me. I see blue hologram-like screens. It must be the research room.

I don't know where I am. It's different from the Aeon city stimulation, that one had old, dark buildings.

"Hello?" I say loudly.

That's no reply, except for my sharp echo.

I walk towards the blue screens.

A man's face is in the left corner of it. There's a name, and it reads: "Blakely Manning". There's a bunch of information about this man. He looks like he's about 40. Blonde hair, light eyes. Thin and kind of scary looking.

Suddenly, it changes from Blakely to a lady. She has red hair, brown eyes and seems angry, also about maybe 40. "Pamela Jones".

I put my hand over the screen. The page minimizes and I'm able to slide through many different people's information.

I scroll and scroll. What is this? What's my task anyways?

I close the folder. It brings me to the home screen, and it shows all of the files going into one folder named "Hostages".

I swallow. Crap, hostages?!

I click back into the folder and read through some of the files.

"Runaway: NYC, New York."

I swipe.

"Runaway: Orlando, Florida."

"Runaway: Paris, France."

"Runaway: Montreal, Quebec."

"Runaway: Dallas, Texas."

My stomach churns. What the hell is this, who are the hostages? What even is the point of this stimulation?

I return to Blakely Manning's screen, reading his information even though I know I shouldn't be.

"Located: third cell, basement.
Code: 54877."

I find the nearest set of stairs.

Walking down, I hear nothing but dead silence.

"Is anyone here?" I say.

Making it past the extremely long staircase, I go down the hall.

"Is there a Blakely Manning here?" I shout.

It's still dead silence. I just stand there, hoping something will happen.

A crashing noise comes from behind me.

I jump. "Hello?" I turn around and find the same face as on the screen. "Blakely?"

He doesn't say anything. Just glares at me.

"Blakely, I'm here to help. You've been held hostage, do you know how long you've been here?" I ask.

He doesn't answer me.

"I'm a Runaway. My name is Crystal, I'm gonna get you out of here. Okay?"

He just continues to stare.

Slowly, I guide my hand down to the buttons. I click the numbers I remember seeing upstairs, 54877.

A loud noise echoes through the hall and the door opens.

Blakely walks out and to the elevator. Like he already knows what he's doing.

"Sir. Where are you going?" I ask, trying to keep up.

He still doesn't answer, and it gets on my nerves.

We go up the stairs, and walk straight down a hall that I haven't seen before.

"Sir, do you know where the exit is? Are you trying to leave?" I ask, even though I know he won't reply.

And I was right, he doesn't. He ignores me and opens a door.

"I sold my soul, and trade my wings for glory." He finally says, after the door opens. "But when I close my eyes I hear the angels sing to me."

"You sold your soul? To the Devil?" I swallow.

"My hands are tied, stuck in this room forever." He stares into the distance.

"You're not. I'm here to help." I place my hand on his shoulder.

He suddenly stiffens with my gesture and his eyes go wide. He looks alarmed and panicked. "He's coming. Save yourself, don't let him take your soul. Run, Crystal." He snaps at me. And just a moment later, he collapses to the ground.

My heart races. Quickly, I make my way back to the blue screens. I check the security cameras and find about one hundred Scarecrows lined up, marching down a hall. I can hear it from where I am. Instantly, I check all of the cameras for an exit. I find one a few halls away from me. I go to the control panel on the wall and shut all of the power off, knowing it'll stop the Scarecrows from seeing. I then guide myself down the hall, praying I go the right way.


Guys I never mentioned this but Dave replied to me on Instagram in December, it's been a month and I still feel so accomplished :') :') :')

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