Chapter 5

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Crystal's POV

"Let's go!" Brent threw his fists in the air and ran to the fire pit.

Everyone followed.

"Whatre we doing?" I ask Andy.

"We're starting dinner. We're having Dave's favourite stew!"

I laugh. "That's great."


Although I still have no idea what's going on, I decide to trust these guys. After all, they're my favourite band and I'm shocked that I haven't freaked out yet.

We've been hanging by the fire for about an hour now, hundreds of Runaways just walking around and chatting.

"So Crystal, tell us about yourself." Hayden folds his arms and examines me, and the all the guys have their eyes locked on me.

"Well... My name is Crystal, I'm 18. I'm from Toronto, Canada and I moved to Dallas about a year ago. I work at my uncle's music store and that's basically it. Other than you know, almost being killed a few hours ago and trusting six guys in a band who brought me into the middle of the woods." I shrug.

"I see, I see." Hayden continues to examine me.

It makes me laugh. "Why're you looking at me like that?"

"It's nothing. Andy's just a lucky guy." He smirks and punches Andy in the arm.

"Fuck you Tree." Andy punches him back. "And it was totally just meant to be." He winks.

Meant to be? What's meant to be?

I decide not to ask and laugh along. "So, when should I head back home? The storm seems to of died down."

"Head back home?" Andy says, and all the guys look at each other.

"Yeah, you guys saved me but I need to get home and tell my uncle that I'm okay."

"Crystal, you can't go home. You're a Runaway, the scarecrows have discovered you and you're now in danger wherever you go but here."

"Wh-what?" I don't even get angry. I just accept it, feeling as if I knew something like this was going to happen.

They all give me a reassuring look. "We're sorry. I know it's hard."

"But how is here different than everywhere else? We're in the middle of the woods, literally in the exact same forest that all The Scarecrows are in. And The Raven guy."

Andy scratches his head. "Um, yeah, it's sort of complicated. Basically, do you see those flashing lights on the trees?" He points at the trees, and I see tiny bright dots.


"They go around the entire perimeter of our base camp. It's a strange device we came up with. For some reason, The Scarecrows can't see or hear past the lights. They're like robots with poorly built systems."

"So then why don't you hide them in Aeon City, so they can't get their way around in there?" I question.

"We've tried. Aeon City is like... A charger. If they're robots, they need chargers and Aeon City is just a big charger. They're immune to anything and very strong in there, or even just around it."

"Which is why, Crystal, Runaways are not allowed to enter without at least 6 years of training beforehand." Benn adds. "It's brutal."

I nod. "Damn."

Andy stands. "I've gotta gather everyone. But yeah, I'm sorry Crystal, you're gonna have to stay tonight."

"It's alright." I reply, and we all stand, following Andy.

"Attention, Runaways!" He shouts, and leaps onto a big log. "Could you all please gather around?" He waves his arms frantically, trying to get their attention.

Nobody but maybe four people stop to listen, and Andy groans.

"Move, Andy. Let me show you how it's done." Dave pushes him off of the boulder and stands on it himself. He grabs a megaphone out of nowhere. "LISTEN THE FUCK UP!" Dave screams, just like in all of Crown the Empire's music. It's perfect.

Everybody runs into the center of the camp, surrounding him, and they all have frightened looks on their faces.

"That's how it's done." Dave says to Andy, and tosses the megaphone.

"Hey, I didn't get to use the megaphone." Andy pouts and takes his spot back on the boulder. "Okay, now that we have your attention, Runaways, we'd all like to inform you that we've found almost all of the new recruits, and are expecting them to all be in by tomorrow. Training will start on Monday at 9:00am, and you will get your schedules. As you may of remembered, there was a big storm and ravens were falling from the sky. We all know where that came from. But they had our logo on their backs. We don't have much information on that right now, but I promise that we're trying hard to figure it out." He claps his hands together. "That was a lot of information. It's currently 11:00, so why don't you all head back to your tents now, and get a good rest?" He smiles and jumps off the boulder.

A girl, maybe 14 years old approaches Andy. "When will we get to see our families again?"

"Soon, I promise. We just need to keep you safe here for a little longer." He hugs her.

"Why aren't you keeping my family safe, then?" Her eyes start watering.

"The Raven has nothing against them. We are Runaways, and we must rise against The Raven's army. This is the rise of The Runaways."


*freaking out because CTE came out with their reissue yesterday (although I do agree that they're turning a bit too soft :c )*

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