Chapter 23

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Brandon's POV

As I walk up the stairs to my room, I whistle the guitar tune to Cross Our Bones. I'm so excited to tell Benn that Caroline accepted my request.

I reach the fourth level and go right.

"Yo, Benn!" I shout, seeing him down the hall.

He shoots his head towards me and his eyes go wide. "Heyyy, Brandon." He says nervously.

"You okay?"

"I'm fine. We switched rooms with Andy, our stuff is already moved. Here, take this." He gives me a new key and takes my old one.


"Andy and Crys just wanted to switch, they said something about the view I think." He shrugs.

"Is Andy i-in there right now?" I say with excitement.

"Yes. Why?"

"Caroline accepted my r-request! I'm now th-the Guardian of F-F-F..." I sigh. "Fuck."

"What?" Benn laughs.

"F-F-Finn. Sorry, my stutter g-gets bad when I-I'm excited." I smile.

"That's amazing, Brandon! I'm so proud of you!" He embraces me in a hug.

"Thanks, I'm gonna go t-tell Andy." I walk pass him to the door of my room.

"No!" He grabs my arm.

"What?!" I freeze and stare at him like he's crazy.

"Don't go in there! Andy's uh..." He scratches his head. "He's occupied."

I roll my eyes. "With what, Benn?"

"He's sleeping." Benn swallows.

"Then I'll go w-wake him up." I grin and snatch the room key from his hand.

"No, you can't." He grabs my arm again.

"Why not dude?" I groan.

"He's sleeping... With Crys."


Benn's POV

"He's sleeping... With Crys." I say.

Goddamnit. I'm terrible at lying.

"And, you know," I shrug. "They wanted some alone time... but maybe not nessesarily sleeping, you know..." I say, heart racing.

"No, I don't know." He turns back and flips the key to the right side, trying to open the door.

"Brandon! Stop!" I block the door with my whole body.

"What the h-hell, Benn! I'm trying t-to tell my friend my special n-news and you're trying t-to prevent me from i-it?! Are you k-kidding me?!" He pushes me out of the way and jams the key into the slot. His hand pushes down on the handle and he almost opens it...

... Until I panic like there's no tomorrow. "THEY'RE HAVING SEX!" I scream.

Brandon lets go of the handle. "Gross. Y-you could've s-said that before." He walks away, not even taking the key out of the slot.

I let out a big breath of relief. Thank god, that was horrible. I was literally one second away from being busted.

Andy opens the door. "Hey... I heard Brandon and you yelling out there. Did he try to come in?"

I nod. "I told him that you're having sex. Sorry."

Andy snorts and closes the door.


Crystal's POV

I'm talking to Meghan, Dave's 'pod' in the training room.

"So how did Dave meet you? Did he bring you in like all the other recruits?" I ask.

"No. We've known each other since we were young, he went to my school since I was kindergarten." She laughs. "We didn't really get along or let alone talk, and we ended up separating when he left for high school." She pauses. "When I joined the high school, he went up to me and told me everything since he turned 16. And now we're here."

"So are you guys together?" I grin, teasing her.

"Oh hell no, he's like a brother. Plus, he's with Taylor." She laughs and shakes her head.

"Right." I nod. "So what're you doing in the training room anyways?"

"Dave showed me this crazy move. I'm trying to perfect it, you know - so I can kick some Scarecrow ass."

"Shit, better let you practice then."

We wave goodbye and I head back to my room. Then, my phone buzzes.

Andy: Meet me in Brandon and Benn's room. We swapped, I'll explain later.

I make a U-turn and go back to the stairs. "Hey Brandon." I wave to him as he walks by me.

"Hey Crys." He smiles, then suddenly freezes.

I turn around and he grabs my arm. "Everything okay?" I ask.

"Weren't you just in my r-room with Andy?" He says, staring through the window.

"No? I'm headed there now, though."

He hesitates. "I'm coming with you."

As he drags me along, I try not to trip. "I don't understand. You seem pissed off. Did I do something?"

"Oh, I'm f-fucking pissed alright." He scowls and lets go of my arm when we go down the hall. He's walking really fast.

"Brandon." I run up to him. "Wait up."

He goes faster.

"Brandon!" I shout, jumping in front of him.

He bumps into me and stops. He rolls his eyes and stares at the wall.

"What the hell, dude!" I throw my arms up. "Why are you so mad?! What did I do?!"

"Hmm, I don't know, m-maybe you lied?" He crosses his arms.

"About what?! I literally didn't even talk to you all day!"

He grunts and walks passed me.

I follow him, walking as fast as I can to keep up.

We stop in front of his room. He bangs on the door.

Andy opens it. "Hey Cry - oh shit." He glances at Brandon and tries close the door.

Brandon stops it with his hand. "Start talking." He says coldly.

Andy stops resisting. He steps outside and closes the door behind him. "I can explain..."


Okay, I'm finally back for good now. I only have a few chapters done so far but that's okay (I hope)

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