Chapter 9

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Crystal's POV

"Johnny Ringo? Isn't that the Devil guy?"


"Oh. I'm sorry."

The room is silent.

Brent claps his hands together. "So, I think that's enough for today. That's basically it, Crystal. We have to start finding the last few recruits." He stands, and so does everyone else.

"Alright. What should I do?" I ask.

"Anything you'd like, as long as you stay on campus."

Andy walks towards me. "I'll keep her company. I can introduce her to the people you guys watch over."

Brent nods. "Sure, we'll catch up with you guys by lunch." They all walk out the door.

Bones is still inside, on the computer in the corner. "Sorry guys, I've got some files I have to work on. You're gonna have to move upstairs." He says to us.

We go down the hall, and climb back to the ground. I breathe in the fresh air, thankful that we didn't stay down there any longer.

"So Crystal, we have a lot of time until lunch. You wanna do anything?" Andy asks.

"You can call me Crys, it's easier. And, um, I don't have any ideas. You?"

"I could show you around the training floor. It's a floor below where we just were."

"You train down there? Don't you guys suffocate of thick air?!" I say, laughing.

Andy laughs back. "We have fans on that floor, they're really loud though."

"Alright, let's head down then!" I say cheerfully.

We go to Andy's tent because he needs to grab something before he leaves, and then we head back down.

"So, Crysta- I mean Crys, you enjoying your time here so far?"

"Well it's only been a day, I can't really decide from that. But yeah, it's been cool. I miss home though."

"I'm sorry about it. We could visit one day after training, we just have to beware of the Scarecrows. They know who you are now."

"Do you think we could go tomorrow, so I could get my stuff?"

"Of course. I'll come with." He smiles and leads me to a different hall.

His smile is adorable, especially up close. I've only ever seen him on a screen before yesterday, and it's great getting to know him and the band.

"Alrighty, it's right here." He unlocks a door and we enter a training room probably the size of two football fields.

"Holy crap." My jaw drops. "This is huge."

Andy giggles. "Yeah, there are a lot of recruits that train at the same times. Trust me, if we all came at once we'd need one quadruple the size."

"There's that many?" I say, shocked.

"Yup, about 1000 on our campus. About 167 recruits train down here at a time."

"Hot damn."

We walk down further into the room.

"You see this?" Andy points at a big collection of small, strange devices.

I nod.

"They're bombs. We slip one onto a Scarecrow's pocket or somewhere and it explodes."

"That's so cool!" I say, grabbing one. "How does it work?"

He slowly walks up behind me. I can feel him breathing on my neck.

Andy's arm wraps around half my body to guide my fingers along the bomb. "See this button?"

"Yeah." I get sweaty, knowing that he's so close.

"Here." He spins me around, and we're face to face. "Click it, you have 10 seconds to throw it over into that box before it explodes." He points at a big metal box. "Go."

I click it, and run towards the box. I can't open the door. I'm freaking out. "Andy, help! It's not working."

"Open it! C'mon, Crys."

I finally grasp onto the handle and toss it in. I shut the door, and I hear the bomb go off. Thank God.

"That scared the shit out of me, Andy."

"That was the whole point." He smiles.

"Screw you." I try to punch his arm but he grabs my hand and pulls me in.

Within seconds our lips collide, and his arms are wrapped around my waist.

Andy pushes me against a wall and his body is pressed against mine.

In panic, I lightly push away from him and look down.

"I'm sorry Crystal, I didn't know what I was doing. That was really stupid."

"It's fine.." I mumble quietly. "It happens."

It's awkward and silent.

I break the silence. "I think we should head back up. The training room is nice."

"Yeah, we should."


This was so awkward to write hahaha

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