Chapter 20

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Crystal's POV

"I am?" I pant.

"Yeah." He runs my shoulder.

"Isnt that a bad thing? I died."

"That was the furthest you could go. There's no solution, it was just to make it to the Raven." He giggles. "They get harder, I promise."

"So everyone dies eventually?" I laugh.

"Yup, the scene replays until you finally realize all your mistakes. Most of the people didn't pick the map, which was their first problem. You chose it right away."

I smile, feeling smart.

"A lot of them also stepped on traps. When you crammed the bullet into the gap it was the most genius thing ever." Andy gives me a goofy look. "But, I mean you got help from the master." He flips his non-existing long hair with a flick of his wrist.

"Oh please." I roll my eyes and laugh.

He hugs me. "I'm proud of you." Then he quickly releases me. "Oh, speaking of proud..." Andy walks over to a room, and I follow.

"Connor, you made it!" He high fives him.

"Yeah. I remember that stimulation from last year. My score improved!"

Andy scrolls through his tablet that tracks the scores and times. "45 minutes! Not bad, kiddo!"


Finally, after 3 hours, our entire group finishes.

"Where to next?" I ask.

Andy scans his clipboard. "Hmm..." He bites his pencil. "I think we're going to the small training section, section 7. Props to the driver - if he wasn't a good enough driver all the equipment would tumble out."

"How do you know it hasn't?" I snort.

Andy announces to group 2 that we're headed for the training section.

Everybody works on the same thing: leg and arm movement, conditioning and self-defense moves.

After another 3 hours we go for dinner.

"Damn, we didn't even get lunch." Andy pouts. "The train life is rough."

"Aren't you used to it? Your band goes on tour a lot." I laugh.

"Yeah, but that's free time. This shit is stressful, man."

We all head back to section 2.

The train makes 3 ringing noises, and the driver's voice blasts through the speakers.

"Attention, Runaways."

I look at Andy.

"The train will be arriving at the IRH in 12 hours. Please be prepared to pack your things in the morning."

Excitement glows on Andy's eyes. "Thank god! This place is tiny and horrible."

We both go into section 3. "Hayden!" I shout.

Hayden turns around. "What?"

"How was training?"

"Awful. We were doing self-defense moves and the train skidded to a stop. Everyone fell on top of each other and they could of been terribly injured." He sighs. "This place is tiny and horrible."

Andy smirks. "That's what I said!"

"I'll be back." I say, going back to section 2 while the two boys are still talking.

I go into the bathroom and change out of my sweaty Runaway clothing.

I toss it into the dirty pile and grab a new set.

As I walk out, Brent stops me.

"Oh, hey. Hi." He says, holding my shoulders.

"Hey." I laugh.

"Do you know where Andy went?"

"He's in section 3."

"Thanks, kiddo." He says quickly and runs off.

I sit on the subway-looking area of the section and look out the window.

Everything is grey, fast lights moving here and there.

I could watch it all day, it's so peacefu- "Crys!"

I snap out of my daydreaming and turn around. "Huh?"

I see Benn. "Where did Brent and Andy go?"

"They're in section 3. Hayden too."

"Good, okay. Thanks." He runs off.

I follow him. What's so important?

In section 3, I see all six members of Crown. They're gathered around at a table, talking with very intense facial expressions.

Dave's talking, his eyes looking super serious. He glances up at me and points. "Crystal!" He signals me to go over.

I sit beside Andy. "What's going on?"

"The IRH. They just sent out a letter to all Runaway groups in the world."


"See for yourself." Dave hands me the letter.

"Dear Runaways,

We are truely sorry to announce this but just yesterday we have received a letter sent from Aeon City. It included no sentences, no explinations. The only thing on the piece of paper was a long list of all Runaway camp sites in the world. Johnny and the Raven have discovered them all.

As to keep safe, we are asking all Runaway groups to please make your way to the IRH where you will train and stay here until further notice.

Thank you,
- IRH staff"

"Thoughts?" Dave lifts an eyebrow.

"I think..." I look at everyone and place the letter down. "We're gonna make some new friends."


okay so sorry for not posting but I completely forgot fanfic was a thing for a whole week because of all my homework. I also had no idea what to write so sorry again, it'll get better ahaha

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