Chapter 7

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Crystal's POV

I flip the information sheet to the other side.

It talks about the rules and the basics. When to wake up, breakfast, lunch and dinner times, tent rules... Etc.

I crawl into my sleeping bag only to feel a clump stop me at the bottom.

I reach in and find a sweatshirt, sweatpants, t-shirt, and shorts. They're all black and have the cog and crown symbol on it.

Remembering that I had gotten soaked in the pouring rain and I was running around a lot, I decide to change into the clothes. I'm guessing they're pyjamas.

Crap, I don't have a toothbrush.

Fuck it, I can go to sleep dirty.

I'm finally relaxed, and drift off.


Andy's POV

I scribble Crystal's name on the box that represents tent 83.

I can hear Dave unzip the front of the tent.

"Yo, whaddup?" He jumps in.

"Just writing down some information."


"Crystal. She's our only new recruit today."

"Is she yours?"

"Yep. But don't worry, she'll fit right in." I toss the clipboard and lay back.

"You're lucky you just got her. Poor Brandon."

"I know. I just wish we could of stopped it."

Dave changed into his sweatpants. "Maybe you could introduce Crystal to Meg, they might have some things in common. I think it'd be a good idea for them to learn things together as well."

"Sounds good, I'll talk to Crystal tomorrow. Tell Meg to meet us at the fire pit at lunch."


ThE nExT mOrNiNg


Crystal's POV

"HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!" I shriek, and jump out of my sleeping bag.

Sirens are going off, and it's loud.

I check my phone. 9:00am.

It must be the alarm that wakes everyone up in the morning.

"Shut up..." I cover my ears with my pillow. "Just one more minute..."

"Rise and shine Runaway!" Andy bursts into my tent.

"What the fuck Andy!" I throw my pillow at him.

"I'm guessing you're not a morning person. Time to get up! It's gonna be a long day. And I have some information you need to know for tomorrow."

"Andyyy..." I groan.

He mocks me. "Crystalll..."

"Fuck you." I flip him off.

"C'mon, let's go!" He grabs my arm and pulls me up.

"It's too early for this shit. And can't we just wait until the rest of the new recruits get here for you to tell me the information for tomorrow?"

"No ma'am, we cannot. This is between you and I." He pulls me out of the tent.

"Andy I need to change!"

"No you don't, everyone here wears the cog and crown. It's normal."

"Well then I need to brush my teeth."

He pats my head. "You don't have your toothbrush, hun."

"Fuck..." I say under my breath. He must of heard, because he starts laughing.

"Let's go. I'm bringing you to the Runaway Headquarters today."

"But we're outside. It's all tents."

"Ah, yes. But check this out." He drags me beside the fire pit, then grabs a chain from the ground. He pulls it up, making the big door in the ground open.

"What the fuck is that?" I say, shocked.

"We have departments underground. It's where we keep information, machines and devices."

"Then why the hell do we sleep up here, Andrew?!" I ask, still in shock.

He laughs. "It's really stuffy down there. And besides, the view here is so much nicer." He looks around. "There's the river." He points off to the distance. "You can usually see the sunset over there." He points in the other direction.

"We're gonna be discovered by Scarecrows."

"Trust me, we're not. Don't forget about the perimeter lights!" He says, jumping into the pit that the door opened up. "C'mon, there's an elevator over here."

I jump down. Andy's right, it is stuffy down here.

"Okay, so where are we going?" I ask.

"To the meeting room. The rest of Crown is down there already, and Bones."

"Isn't he from your music videos?"

"Yep. Bones is also the head of security and is in charge of all of the information."

"So what's this all about then? Did all of the other recruits have to do this?"

Andy nervously scratches his head. "Mmm... Well, uh... no."

"What do you mean?"

"This is something a little different. You'll see. Just, please don't freak out."

I shrug. "Well then don't give me something to freak out about."

He giggles. "Okay, it's right here." We turn a corner, and enter the room.

Everybody - Bones, Dave, Brandon, Brent, Hayden and Benn - are sitting at a large, round table.

"Hey, dudes!" Benn waves. "Take a seat." He points at the two empty chairs.

Andy and I sit down.

Dave folds his arms. "So. Crystal."

"Yes?" I reply.

"Are you ready?"


"Taking in a shit ton of information."

"Sure, come at me."

"Alright, let's begin."


Andy's POV

"Andy, start us off." Dave gestures to me.

I don't know what to say. How do I make it seem like it's totally normal?

"Well..." I frown. "Uh..."

"Go ahead, Andy." Bones says, obviously impatient.

"I don't know how to start."

Crystal tries to hide her laugh.

She's laughing at my failed attempt to start the conversation? Oh it's on.

"Johnny's the Devil. You know that. But what you don't know is that we're angels. All seven of us. And I, Crystal, I'm your Guardian Angel."


Puttin' a lil twist on the story. :)

*Cross Our Bones music video just came out! I laugh every time I see Andy's face in the beginning ahaha(but I love it)*

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