Chapter 8

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Crystal's POV

"Ha-ha, very funny." I roll my eyes. Do they really think I'm gonna fall for that?

I stand up to leave.

"Wait, Crystal!" Andy grabs my arm. "Please, just listen to what we have to say."

I sit back down, not talking.

"I'm your Guardian Angel. I was assigned to you at the age of 16. That's when all Angels are assigned to protect someone."

"Angels and Devils aren't real, Andrew."

"Didn't you read the information sheet? Johnny? The Devil? Runaways and Scarecrows?"

"Yes, but it isn't real!" I throw my arms up in the air.

"You saw a Scarecrow and ravens falling from the sky, Crystal."

"But that's a man who's angry and searching for revenge. That's a man with an army that hates the world. But Angels and Devils? That's a whole new story."

"It's really not. It all intertwines with each other. All of those different stories about the end of the world, Heaven and Hell, where you go when you die? They're all known as separate stories but it's just one."

"Stop lying to me, Andy." I'm trembling, begging in my head for this to be made up.

"I'm sorry Crystal. I know it's hard to adjust to all the information."

"It makes the world seem so... Different."

Andy holds my hand. "The world is the same, you're just changing your perspective."

"So then if you're my 'Guardian Angel', you've been watching over me?"

"Since you were 14 and I was 16, yes."

"Prove it."

"Ask me anything."

I trace his knuckles with my finger and think. He'll never know this one. "When and how did I break my wrist?"

"You were 15. It was at volleyball practice, you tripped over somebody's shoe."

"No one was allowed to watch us practice. How do you know?"

"I just know. I'm able to see what you're doing when I can feel that you're stressed or upset. Like a camera in my mind."

"Did you do anything to try and help?"

"I tried to stop some of the pain. I used the ability to heal that I learned just weeks before."

This is too much to process. The ability to heal and stop pain?! I feel like I'm still not convinced, but he knew that I broke my wrist at volleyball when no one but my team was there. That must mean something.

It's silent until Brandon speaks for the first time.

He stands up. "Get a room guys!" He fake gags. "Yuck!"

"Screw off Brandon!" Andy releases his hand from mine and pouts.

I laugh. Oh my god, I needed that.


The six guys tell me their stories about who they protect.

Dave is the Guardian of an 18 year old named Meghan.

Brent's is Xavier, a boy only 15 years old.

Benn doesn't have one, he permenately damaged his wings when he was 18 and isn't allowed to watch over anybody anymore.

Hayden watches over a 9 year old who's name is Grace.

"Brandon, what about you?" I ask.

Everybody glances at each other, obviously afraid to answer.

"You don't need to answer if you don't want to..." I say quietly.

"N-no it's okay." Brandon says. "Dave?"

Dave coughs. "Right. Okay." He sits up. "Sorry, Brandon doesn't want to speak because of his stutter. But anyways, Brandon at 16 watched over a boy, he was only a year younger than him. They became friends when Brandon was 17. Years passed, and when Brandon turned 20, he finally told him about the Guardian Angel business." Dave kept glancing at Brandon, unsure if he should go on.

"Did he freak out like me?" I ask.

"Well yes, I think everyone we've told has freaked out. But the boy Brandon watched over, he was extremely mad, he thought that Brandon wasn't a real friend and that being his friend was just an excuse to watch over him."

"That's terrible..."

"It is. He kicked Brandon out of his life. I don't know how he found out how to do it, but he broke the bond between them. He then became extremely sick and depressed, slowly dying. He did everything he could to stay alive, telling himself that he didn't need Brandon."

"What was his name...?" I question.

Dave and all the other guys tensed up. "Johnny Ringo."


Dun dun dunnn...

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