Chapter 4

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Crystal's POV

Andrew stared at me, his eyes pleading for me to move it. He then darted away.

I followed him.


"Andrew! Wait, please." I call maybe 5 minutes later, panting. "We're going so fast."

"Sorry." Is all he says, and he stops.

"Where are we going?!" I cry.

"We're going to the Runaway base camp. It's just outside the walls of Aeon City."

"Didn't that man - creature - whatever the hell he his say something about this 'Aeon City'? He lives in it or something?"

"It's where The Raven assembled his army. Very few Runaways have entered with escape." Andrew sighs.

"What's a Runaway? He told me I'm a Runaway."

"You're one of us. We fight against The Scarecrows. Remember that they have deep, raspy voices and sort of move like robots. If one approaches you, kill it."

My heart skips a beat. "Wh-what?"

"You heard me, kill it. Johnny fell for their traps and look where he his now."

"I'm sorry, I don't know who Johnny is." I say, confused.

"Johnny Ringo. He so carelessly stepped onto a Scarecrow's property and it shot him. The Devil took him just before he died and Johnny sold his soul so he could live. Now he's a Scarecrow."

Johnny Ringo? Why does that sound so familiar?

Oh! It's a song. By Crown the Empire. But first the dead raven, and now this? There's something wrong.

"Hey, Andrew do you know the band Crown the Empire?" I ask.

Andrew laughs. "Yes, I do. A little more than you may think. Why?"

"All of this sounds oddly familiar, and there's already two references from their music. I think there might be something linked."

"Crystal, have you ever been to one of their concerts?"

"Yeah, the lead singer even smiled at me!" I chirp.

"Do you know his name?" Andrew smirks.

"Andy Le..." I look at Andrew and my whole face goes red. "Oh."

He bursts out laughing.

"Oh my god, this is so embarrassing. I was so focused on everything I didn't even recognize you." I put my face in my hands and shake my head.

"Hey, don't worry about it." Andrew giggles and gives me a reassuring squeeze.


Andy Leo and I walk for about another 20 minutes, trying to get to the base camp of the Runaways. We talk about the band, and what the hell is happening.

"So all of your music..." I scratch my head.

"It's all based off of true stories, yes." Andy nods.

"That's insane, I've always wondered how you guys could keep such an interesting storyline all these years."

"Believe me, there's so much more to come."

"Well I can't wait to hear it!" I smile, excited.

"Oh, here we are. Finally." Andy slows down and walks over to a dark forest.

"Are you sure it's safe in there?" I question.

"Its a big forest, I know. But in the very center of it lies Aeon City, where all the scarecrows stay. A few kilometers away from Aeon City is our base camp. Trust me, its safe as long as we don't go too close to them."

"Okay." Is all I say, and we make our way deep into the woods.


20 more minutes later, we make it and by then the storm faded a bit.

Andy covers my eyes with his hands.

"I'd like to introduce to you... The Runaway base camp." Andy says, and takes releases his hands.

I examine it.

There are lights, sort of like Christmas lights, hung up literally everywhere. There's a fire started right in the center of all of the tents and trees. It's absolutely beautiful.

"This is amazing, Andy."

From a distance, I see a group of men walk towards us.

"Hell yeah it is!" Somebody shouts. "Hey, I'm Brent." He shakes my hand.

"Nice to meet you Brent. But, I already know who you are." I blush.

"So you must know everyone else too. This is Hayden, Brandon, Dave, Benn." He points at everybody.

"Benn, didn't you leave the band?" I say, upset.

"Yeah, I did. But that doesn't mean I'm not still a Runaway." He replies.

I feel butterflies dancing around in my stomach.

Andy claps his hands together. "So. Shall we get started?"


This entire chapter is just dialogue, haha.
I hope you're enjoying, I'm trying to make this story as interesting as it can get at this point, although I write pretty slow.
Apologies! :(

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