Chapter 13

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Andy's POV

I'm talking to Crystal, when suddenly the speakers are blasting with Brandon's voice.

A code black has been called.

"Everybody, drop what you're doing and follow me." I announce to the 100+ people that are all confused. "Remain calm, and everything will be fine." I grab Crystal's hand and drag her along with me.

"What happened? Was that Brandon we heard through the speakers? What's code black?" Crystal asks, obviously scared.

"It's a code black, but I don't know what for. We have to go, safety first." I glance back. "C'mon guys! Keep up!"

"Where are we going?" Crystal asks.

"Basement. We're going into lockdown. I don't one hundred percent know why though, Brandon will have to explain to us."

We run down the stairs, leading us all the way down to the 4th and final floor. The main camp, the information floor, the training floor and then finally, the basement. It's the most secure.

"Hey." Dave says, running up to Crystal and I. Benn and Hayden soon follow.

"Anyone know what's up?" I ask to them.

"Nope, we came here as fast as we could though." Dave replies.

Hayden looks around. "Have you seen Brandon, Brent or Bones? Are all of our recruits down?"

"They're probably on their way. I think Brandon's all the way up at the main camp. People are most likely in their tents."

Benn nervously adds, "something could of happened to them."

"Should I go check?" I offer.

"No, I'll go. Here, take my group's attendance and make sure everyone's here."

I sigh as he runs back to the stairs.

Dave and Hayden call their groups into a corner and count their recruits, and I groan. There's so many Runaways this year, usually it's about 600. But over 1000? That's insane. I don't even know if we can all fit down here.

Crystal wraps herself around my arm. "We're gonna be okay. We're gonna be okay."

"Of course we are, think positive."

"You should take attendance, you've got a lot of people to mark off." She says and releases me.

"Group two, Andy's group! May I have your attention, please gather near me. I need to make sure you're all here." I shout, and everyone with a pin with the number 2 on it crowds around me.

Slowly and painfully, I call out everyone's name then move onto Benn's group.

We tell everyone to sit down and stay quiet.


Benn's POV

I run up the stairs, recruits running past me every now and then.

I grab a girls arm, who's speed walking down the hall. "Hey!" I say.

She turns around. "Yes?"

"What group are you in? Why aren't you with everyone else?"

"I'm in Brandon's group. He's evacuating everyone from the main camp."

"Alright, thanks. Make your way to the basement." I say, and run off.

I reach the top. "Brandon! What the hell happened?!" I ask.

"J-J-Johnny. He's coming." Brandon says, while signalling recruits to hurry up.

"What do you mean? How do you know?"

"Tent. Hurry, I d-don't know how m-m-much time we have."

I dive into our tent.

Dead raven. On my sleeping bag. The same type that were falling from the sky a few days ago.

I turn and see the spraypainted words.

"Dont ever trust the devil, bitch. We're coming."

Holy shit. I run out, and three recruits are running from the very back of the tent area.

"Hurry!" Brandon's screaming.

There's a zapping noise from a tree, and it's smoking now.

"T-t-they're com-ming. Run faster!" He's panicking now, I can hear his voice trembling.

I see a flash of movement from the corner of my eye. "Brandon!" I shout. "They're breaking the light perimeters, hurry up!"

I run towards the ground door and pull it open. "Move it! Faster!" I shout with all my life.

"W-wait! They're almost h-here!" Brandons shouting back.

The new recruits are running, but keep turning back and finding Scarecrows marching towards them.

"Don't l-look back! You're alm-m-most there!" Brandon encourages.

The recruits are finally in front of him, and he quickly runs behind them, protecting them.

"Go go go!" He's shouting, pushing them along.

The Scarecrows are only meters away, and there's three of them.

The recruits continue to run towards me to the staircase. "Hurry, guys!" I'm shouting. "Brandon, fucking move it!"

The recruits scurry into the hole.

Brandon stops and grabs a small bomb from his pocket and throws it at one of the Scarecrows.

It explodes.

The other two close in on him, faster than ever.

"C'Mon, Brandon! Hurry the fuck up!"

They're literally inches away from him now, trying to grab onto him.

Brandon gets close enough to the ground door that he slides through the dirt and into the hole.

I jump in almost crushing Brandon, and lock the door above me.

Not even a second later, the Scarecrows are pounding and trying to break past the only thing keeping us apart.


I don't know where I'm going with this lmaooo, but yay, progress! Thanks for 200 views :)

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