Chapter 6

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Andy's POV

I feel the anger and excitement rush through me. The Resistance is starting, I can just feel it. Once we rise, a whole battle between The Runaways and The Scarecrows will start and we won't stop until we win.

I let go of the girl. "Go get some sleep, Samantha."

I head back to my tent that I share with Dave, and I can hear footsteps follow me.

"Andy!" Crystal grabs my shoulder and spins me around.

"Whoa, easy there," I giggle.

"Sorry." She plays with her fingers. "What was that all about? The rise of the Runaways and stuff."

"You'll find out soon, Crystal. But for now, try to make the time you have left count." I give her a reassuring smile and unzip my tent.

"Andy?" She says quietly.


"Where do I sleep..."

I freeze. "Oh shit, I completely forgot. I'm sorry."

"So do I not have anywhere to sleep tonight?" She looks confused and upset.

"No, no of course you do. I just don't know where..." I dive into my tent and grab the clipboard holding all of the information. "Okay, we've got me and Dave in this tent, Brandon and Benn in that one... And Taddie and Tree over there." I point to the tents. "Notice how they're all red, and over there, some are blue?"

Crystal nods. "But the rest are black."

"Yeah, the red ones are where the leaders sleep. We're closest to the fire pit so we can stand on that big boulder every morning to shout instructions. The blue ones are where the advanced and strong warriors sleep, and the black ones are where the new members and beginners sleep."

"How early do we have to wake up?"

"8:00 every morning."

Crystal groans. "Damnit."

I laugh. "Sorry. Anyways, you can sleep in, um..." I search on my clipboard for a tent with only one person in it, or an empty one. "Tent 83." I point and show her.

"Its so far away from the fire pit." She looks up and tries to locate it.

"I know, it's the only one we have available right now for new members."

"Do I have a tentmate?"

"No actually, she moved closer up a few weeks ago."

"So we move closer to the pit the longer we're here?" She asks.

"Every month you'll move closer up once, or if we notice your skills getting stronger then you'll also move."

"Okay, I think I've got it." She nods.

"Alright. Why don't you go find your tent, and we'll chat tomorrow?"

"Sounds like a plan." She smiles and walks away.

I jump into my tent and put the clipboard away. After, I grab a pair of black sweatpants, and take off my shirt. I slip into my sleeping bag and write some notes.


Crystal's POV

Tent 83, tent 83...

I walk around, looking for my tent. I'm already almost 50 feet away from the fire pit and only see the tents in the 70s.

A few minutes later of walking back and forth, I find it.

"Tent 83! Sweet." I unzip the front and crawl in.

There's a piece of paper on top of the sleeping bag.

I check it out, and it has a bunch of information.

"Welcome, Runaway.

The Runaway base camp is a hideout for us, and we are 100% safe in here. No scarecrows can see past the lights that shine across the perimeters of our property.

Occasionally, you will see a Scarecrow walking by but please stay calm, and know that they cannot see, nor hear you unless you pass the perimeter.

The jobs of Scarecrows are to eliminate the Runaways, or to change them into a Scarecrow. But do not be too alarmed by this, Scarecrows are extremely stupid."

I laugh. I wonder who wrote that.

"We are not completely sure what Scarecrows are, but we do know that they're humans that were taken from their lives and were mutated into robot-like systems.

This summary will give you some information on the past and how this all started:

The Fallout occured in 2013, where the end of the world almost killed all of existence. It was stopped just in time by Johnny Ringo, and he saved Earth.

Johnny was a hero, but was dying. He sold his soul to the Devil for the chance live forever. He became powerful and angry, turning on everyone. The Devil had tricked him.

A year later, Johnny craved for revenge, and wanted so desperately to kill the Devil. He wanted to be an angel.

Only months ago, Johnny rebelled against the Devil with his army of angry souls. They defeated the Devil, but Johnny did not realize that he had become the monster. He took over, and Johnny Ringo is now known as the new Devil.

The (new) Devil created a leader to take on Earth, while he continued to rule Hell. His name is The Raven.

While Johnny has his army of angry souls, The Raven has his army of Scarecrows.

They fight against what Johnny used to stand for, which is us, The Runaways.

Aeon City was built as a closed property that is surrounded by Scarecrows, so we built our camp a few kilometers away from it to spy on them and gain information.

We ask you to please cooperate on The Runaway base camp and train as told to.

-Your leaders,
Crown the Empire"

I stare in shock. "Damn."


Shit, that was long ahaha.
I hope I got most of my information right, with the Fallout and all. I changed it a bit, but if any of it doesn't match at all just tell me in the comments and I'll try to change it :)

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