Chapter 13 - The Broken Kiss!

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Serena and Clemont, who were both still looking for fifteen points to finish their scores, had been worrying about Ash the whole time.

"I wonder if he is okay, what if we can't turn him back?" Serena was saying to the thinking Clemont. Their Pokemon were both standing and moving around freely. The comeback from the Team Shadow attack was slowly happening.

"Well, we will have to wait and see what happens. I am worried about his chances in the tournament in his state" Clemont ran through the scenario in his head once more. "He has turned into a complete psychopath, devoid of life. We need to revitalize him"

"But the same question pops up, how?" Serena huffed, sitting down to rest by a tree. She felt upset that Ash was in such a bad state. She felt like somehow it was their own faults, because they had agreed to stay in pairs, but only in the forest. He was attacked by Team Shadow somewhere else, which meant they wasn't careful and had to pay the price. Tears dropped from her eyes as she continued to worry, but Clemont held his hand out, a smile on his face.

"We will get Ash back, don't you worry. Even if we have to make sacrifices, Ash will come back" Clemont was being determined and keeping his cool for Serena. She slowly smiled, wiped away her tears and then nodded. 

"Ok, lets go and get our points and then find Ash!" Serena fist pumped, looking at Braixen. "Lets go!" 


After sometime, Serena and Clemont had finally obtained their points and decided to look for Ash. 

"We just need to find Pikachu, maybe his electricity can be useful" Serena hypothesised, thinking of ways to find Ash.

"This is where I come in. The future is now thanks to science! Clemontic gear, ON!"

"Oh no" Serena said over the excited Clemont, who had already deployed his gear. He had a handheld device with an aerial on top, that was surging with electrical energy. 

"I call it the Find-Me-A-Pikachu device!" Clemont exclaimed, pushing his glasses up slightly. "You see, I made it using a little sample of Pikachu's electrical energy. It will track Pikachu's position whenever he charges up an electric type move. 

They both waited in the field for any electricity, but nothing came up for five minutes. During this time, the alarm signalling that there was fifteen minutes left rang out around the whole area. Then, there was a flash of lightning and a signal was picked up.

"Oh! This way!" Clemont instantly jumped up, rushing off, which was unusual for him.

"Woah, wait up!" Serena was surprised, she was trying to catch up to the slow runner Clemont. Braixen and Luxray followed closely, both keeping up with their trainers.

Serena and Clemont made their way through a forest and into another field, were they saw Ash once more. He was laughing maniacally, while Pikachu was using a constant iron tail on his opponent, completely destroying the Leafeon. It had fainted, but Pikachu was still using his iron tail like it was some sort of assault.

"ASH! STOP IT!" Serena screamed, rushing past Clemont. Ash turned and cocked his head to the side, his grin spreading into an psychotic smile.

"Oh, more guests? hehehehe, looks like it is you two again!" Ash exclaimed happily, clapping his hands. "Lets have some more fun, so much fun!"

"Ash, please" Serena murmured under her breath, finding it hard to speak. She hated seeing Ash like this. She thought desperately for a plan, anything. She was willing to sacrifice her own life to this mind control if it meant sparing Ash, her body felt twisted, completely tangled up and unable to move. She was frozen on the spot, staring at the slowly advancing Ash. Pikachu jumped onto his shoulder.

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