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Thank you people! Please request, I'm running out of ideas!


One word, protective. You are protective, dear Aries, and you simply find that this is the only way to go on moving throughout life. Without anything to protect, you feel stagnant, lost, and possibly have accepted a spiraling descent into an abyss. You will protect what you hold dear to your self, your thoughts, morals, friends and families. You'll attack anyone who you feel is attacking something you've given your soul to protect. You are what others wish they have as a dear friend when hell breaks loose. That's when you destroy to protect.


That patience you are so proud of that gives you your calm demeanor is so exotic to so many people. It gives you your mystery, your sensuality, we are like moths drawn to the light emitting from you. But, that very same patience can burn. When we have taunted and teased and poked at you enough times your patience we were once drawn to like light becomes a burning flame that singes its surroundings. You give fair warnings though, your flickering tells us to watch it, be careful.. don't go further.


So what if your passion changes from day to day, the most important thing is that you were wholeheartedly passionate about something! So many people just do things halfheartedly or because they have to or because some competition was set, but that's not what you do. When you do anything, you put your heart into it intimately and passionately even if it's just for a day or two. Not many people can say their heart was beating just so they can do what they are doing right now.


You cradle the souls that come your way. The beaten, the lost, the needing, and the broken look to you in the night like you were the Moon in the sky. They come to you in the night and leave with the Sun when they're better, but only those that truly love you stay for another night. How you wish you could meet more people who value your nurturing Moon than that radiant blaring Sun some call life. Those that leave with the Sun and come back again for the night will only be met with cold indifference.. and you say, "let the wild beasts of the night feast on their bones" as the lack of the glowing Moon bury them in darkness.


Don't be so modest, Leo! You light the world up, but whether that's to warm others or set everything on fire is up to your emotional whim. I mean, you can be pretty dramatic, both in affection and affliction. Above all else, you love it when you can shine for those you love because nothing gets you to rise than the anticipation of adoration from others. You don't ask for love and affection, you do everything you can just to receive them. If people accuse you of being an attention seeker, realize that you've worked hard for it, have they?


Oh Virgo, you are just comfortable with your own way, that certainly isn't a crime. People think you're controlling but what some fail to realize is that you're open to being told a better way of doing things, but only if it is actually a better way. They are free to convince you. Your silent sensitivity and relentless strength causes storms to brew beneath your skin, and only the closes friends gets to meet this passionately emotional creature that hides inside. Your intense love quietly circles on and on for those that have your heart.


You are the sweetest person on earth, and you certainly know how much it hurts when people take your gentle acts of kindness for granted. Most people, they just focus on the ugliness in others but you see the beauty even after seeing the ugly. No one seems to appreciate the fact that you give people chances at all before confronting them! The worse is that when you do stand up for yourself people seem to berate you- honestly why are they so thoughtless. One of the best quality that you have is that youre thoughtful and you love people, but you wont let them walk all over you when you've had enough.Your strength lies in your patience.


Like the stars that pin up the sky and the shadows between each light, everything about you says so much you almost find it redundant to explain your actions to others. People say you're mysterious and secretive but you show so much if people would just "open their eyes". You are as grand and vast as the universe with a quality that makes you seem rather distant and uncompromising, but that's really not the case.. you have so much to offer for these earthlings that find comfort in their boring life, the depth of your soul is there to be discovered by those brave and passionate enough to experience your universe.


Beneath all the crackpot schemes and casual affairs, your passion lies in the wisdom you gain in life, and nothing is bad news if you were able to grow from it. Your ability to passionately dish out things you know or have experienced can be the envy of so many people. Sadly, some people feel you're just being a wise-buy, but you know you were just having a bit of fun, and it doesn't hurt to be smart when you're having a bit of fun. People need to just cut loose and enjoy a bit of fire that your passion for life causes.


Let's start off with every Capricorn's most important mantra, that one big "sigh" which offers us a feeble attempt to discard worries in life without trying to actually do something about what's causing us such listless frustrations. With all the crap you've seen, it's almost a sad reality that life is pain to you, but if you think about it, it's a good thing. You know what you don't want, so speak up and don't be afraid to stand up confidently with every shaky attempt at getting your life in order the way you want it to be. You have such an untapped ability to turn horrible situations and things into useful positive things, so use that to your advantage!


The thing about you is that you're so awkwardly confident with your obsessions you can literally make anything a trend. You're not free from passion and things that ignite your being because you adore things with all the life in you that the very thing you love becomes magnetic to others, You're like the Pied Piper of Hamelin playing your tune that draws others to follow you.You are just one person with the power to cause mass hysteria, and the most amazing thing is that you don't let social norms sway the rhythm of your heart.


The dreamer that dreams a thousand times in a day and still gets lost in their own dreams. You prefer it that way since getting lost in your thousand dreams is much better than having to deal with the cold reality of a boring dull world. The simple things have meaning for you, the little objects holds more weight than it seems, and you know the words people mean to say are hidden beneath the sounds people iterate over and over again. You know above all else that there's something more than what people see and hear. Your perception is the clearest that's only clouded by the bothersome reminder of what some call "living"- they don't know what it truly means to be alive.

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