-bad rad sad-

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Bad: Aries, Sagittarius, Leo, Scorpio

Rad: Aquarius, Gemini, Pisces, Capricorn

Sad: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Libra


This is my first term writing in a Macbook Air, ugh, I'm a NEWB! Im better writing at the iPad. But I guess writing at a Macbook is cool and awesome, too!

Not sure on what to do next...please comment suggestions! Also, #prayforparis Lets all pray for Paris and for the Philippines abut the APEC Summit, cause I heard the murderers will go to Manila to danger the presidents... IDK!

Im also deciding if I should change my username once more...to my name instead. So I think Ill do that first...gonna change the book cover once more *le sigh*

The good news is....Its almost vision-mission week! In case you didn't know (which you don't) its the time of the year where everyone in our school will go outside and have like a carnival at our school. The seniors will chase the younger ones and when the captured ones don't pay up, they will get punished and the senior will write at their arm. Pretty much, THE BEST TWO DAYS OF YOUR ENTIRE SHOOL YEAR!

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