(15) Stay Omega Stay

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Chapter 15.

They say, or at least some smart long dead scholar once phrased, when one life ends, another begins. Oliver read it to me, explaining in detail the meaning of death since I hadn't known much about it before being brought back home. Witnessing it was different than hearing about it. Watching the person you love die than your enemy is an all new level of different.

Clayton died, and at that exact moment, London had felt the very first kick of their unborn child. She had screamed in joy for half a second before the entire pack heard her heart shatter into millions of pieces. At that moment, everyone ran into Clayton's hospital room as fast as they could. My father was carrying London so she would be able to get to him faster.

Oliver read to me that when someone dies, the brain is still working and it is possible to bring someone back to life. Jump starting the heart has always been the best way, but a werewolf's heart is stronger and heavier making it harder to keep beating.

"Come on Clayton you are not dying on me." Sheila growled, pressing her palms against his chest. "Emilia get me the defibulator, crank it what is usually needed to start an Alpha's heart. You know how much it is."

London was being held back by my father and Rylan. Everyone hoped she would be able to survive as she watched us try to bring him back. If this didn't work, she would be leaving her baby fatherless, something I vowed to prevent.

"Let Penelope save him." Lilura snarled at the two failing wolves. "She can do it, I know she can."

"There is no proof of it working." Sheila barked. "Let medicine do it's job, I refuse to let magic seal someone's fate."

"Just save him!" London interjected shoving at my dad. Her eyes were turning red and puffy, the tears running down her cheeks. "Please."

My mom stepped up and pushed Emilia and Sheila out of the way before giving me a look. She nodded her head once, and I stepped up to my brother's corpse. We had limited time to get his heart beating again. There's no doubt I would let him die like this.

"Just like we practiced." Lilura murmered to me in my ear before taking a step back.

Twelve hours ago

My eyes skimmed over the powder pink letter that had been written so long ago. It's hard to believe that my mother had written letters to me, as if I were only a Pen-Pal a country over. It was like looking straight into her mind and soul, and I could understand how devestated she was after losing me; even if it was so many years ago. Life is so cruel to let a mother suffer so much like this, and I hope she doesn't have to lost another child, directly at my brother Clayton.

He's been stable lately from what I've heard, but anything can set him off. A blood vessel can erupt, his body can have the slightest twitch and his lungs could collapse. There is always someone watching over him, whether is be London or my family.

I gripped the letter with such determination to find my parents. It was getting late, and there was no doubt that they were wishing the younger pack members goodnight. I've noticed that they go around to most of the young childen getting ready for bed, maybe it's something they started doing after missing on my childhood and a little of my brother's. My mother had missed out a lot of the main parts of them growing up, it's obvious they liked seeing someone grow up ever so slowly.

I heard hushed whispers over the next corner and approached it. Right before I turned it, I heard my name spoken and immediately froze. I had left my parents room to go find them, and not a few minutes later I found them talking about me. I crept a little close and tuned into to what they were talking about.

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