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I was what you would call a "wild girl" literally... The wild is all I know... I know how to calm wild animals , tame them if you will... I know the plants that are poisonous , and those that are not... I know how survive...

But little did I know that the one night that I was being careless... The one night that I let my guard down... Would be the night that changed my life...

My long h/c hair blew with the wind like a cape as I ran through the icy forest... It was winter... Meaning that berries and fruit were scarce... So even though I hate killing... I need to... For food... I had seen a large deer run this way, and of course , a girl like me doesn't let an opportunity for food slip easily... I could hear the snow crunching underneath my knee high leather boots as I ran... I could also hear all of the beading that I wore bounce together on my chest...Even though it was winter I still wore my short leather dress... It's the only thing that I have that allows me move freely whenever I hunt, but I've gotten used to the cold by now...
"Neva!" I yelled... I needed some backup, despite how fast I run... Unlike some of those other lazy humans... Always raging war upon one another for no good reason... Neva, my wolf came running to my side... I pointed to the escaping deer and Neva bolted for it... She pounced on top of it, causing it to topple over. She clamped her jaws around its neck as I ran towards them...

Once I had reached them , I reached into my small leather satchel that was continuously slung around my waist and grabbed a small blade,
"Forgive me..." I said before stabbing the deer in its chest , causing it to squeal in pain before quickly dying.
"Good job Neva." I stroked her head before hoisting the dead animal over my shoulders... I made my way to a small lake and decided to set up camp... Wolves are usually attracted to our prey, and they come for some... So Neva and I allow them to share some with us since we don't like getting into fights... We never kill more than we need...

As soon as we reached a small lake I began skinning the animal, attracting a small pack of wolves. I cut a piece large enough for them to share and threw it their way. They began attacking the meat as soon as it reached their feet. I began setting up a fire, as soon as it was done I threw the remaining side area of the deer into it... Eventually the wolves left once bones was all that was left. I covered the bloody areas up with snow before I even thought about eating. I tore the meat off the bones with my teeth and Neva did the same with hers... Once we were done I got into the lake to wash all the blood off my stuff, I stood in waist deep water as I cleaned my dagger and later applied more mud to my arms and face for camouflage. I retied the leather strip that was tied to my one arm as well as my headband that had a feather connected to the top.

Neva was my only source of heat after the fire went out, so I snugged up close to her... Usually I would check the area to make sure none of those other people would be roaming around, but I was too tired to care... I had been asleep for only about two hours when I heard snow crunching under footsteps, just as mine had earlier that evening. I scrambled to my feet with Neva by my side. If it was anything threatening I would easily be able to take it out with my blade or a poisonous dart to the neck.
"Laurence! You find anything?" I heard an accented voice ask from afar...

Yay! Finally done! And I'm out of hospital! Whoop! Whoop! Love me people!

Wild - A Laurence x Y/N storyWhere stories live. Discover now