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Your POV

"What's going on in--- OH MY IRENE YOUR EYES! KIKI WHEN YOU SAID SOMETHING WAS GOING ON WITH HER YOU DIDNT TELL ME ABOUT THIS!!! THIS IS INCREDIBLE!!! I HAVE NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE THIS!" Kiki clamped her hand over Emmalyn's mouth, her face flushed red with embarrassment... Regret too... Lots of that...

Regardless of Kiki's efforts Emmalyn continued to blabber into her hand. Making muffled words make its way into the already excited atmosphere.

"Waif! I dink Iyv heard aboutf somefing like dis!" Her muffled voice said before swatting Kiki's hand away and speed walking towards a bunch of books she had set on Kiki's bed whilst muttering things to herself.

She hurriedly grabbed at the books, flipping through pages and throwing the books that held no information for whatever she was looking for over her head.

"Watch where you throw those things Emmalyn!" Katelyn yelled as a book just missed her face.

Emmalyn ignored Katelyn's comment as she picked up the last book from the small pile. The title reading ' The forgotten mages of Minecraftia '. Thank goodness I learned the civilized language... She once again, flipped through a few more pages until she stumbled across what she was looking for.

"AHA! I KNEW I HAD SEEN THAT SOMEWHERE!" She yelled in victory, raising the book above her head in excitement. She stumbled over but caught herself and the book before she could tumble downwards.

Meanwhile Neva's protective growls were able to be heard from downstairs. All Emmalyn's screaming was starting to put her on edge.


"Woah woah... Woah! Emmalyn, slow down!" Nicole said, eyes wide at how this woman was possibly able to speak so fast.

"Right... Sorry I'm just SO excited! So basically... What I was trying to say was this book was written by Enki himself after he met a young man who was somehow able to control the 5 main elements of the world."

"Who the heck is Enki? And the 5 what-nows?" I asked confused,

"Shhh! Let me finish! Ok... So according to this book 'The 5 elements' are water, air, earth, fire and very life itself. So the first four weren't really considered that amazing, but the fifth... It's EXTREMELY rare! Only this one man was ever found out to have it! And the mere fact that a single being was able to control all 5... It's impossible... Anyhow, when Enki asked this guy about it he said that he was a Mage. A much more powerful version of a Magicks User. It's ancient Magicks! It's not even supposed to exist anymore!"

"Yeah, but what's all this got to with YN?" Aphmau cocked her head with confusion.

"You know how Magicks can be passed down through blood? Well... It's a possibility that YN over here as a descendant... Although when Mage's were found to have control over more than one element, they're descents would inherit only one of these... I mean... Kiki told me about your wolf, Neva... You said she was a runt, but Kiki was confused since apparently she's extremely large and muscular."

Neva let out a bark at the sound of her name. Emmalyn's eyes widened as she scurried down the ladder faster than any deer I've ever chased!

"AHHHH!!! THIS IS THE BIGGEST WOLF IVE EVER SEEN!!!!" We all scurried down after her as we found her looking at Neva, then the book. Neva then book.

"Calm down sweetie!" Cadenza rubbed Emmalyn's back.

"Ok... Ok... THIS IS JUST SO EXCITING I CANT EVEN..." She took a breath before continuing.

"Ok... So where was I? Oh right! So get this... Enki wrote that people whom had acquired 'Life magic' as they used to call it, were able to deplete their enemies life forces, heal others or they could even be able to physically strengthen any living creature that stays around them for long, that is, if the life Mage is willing to do so. Which would explain how well Neva is even though she's a runt! They have an especially strong connection with nature, and organisms that are usually bloodthirsty hunters would protect these Mages with their lives. Thus YN and her old pack. When their 'magic' is activated their eyes change color based on their level of power. Gold being the highest. But I have never heard of the red lining around your pupils, YN. When activated, their hearing, sight, speed, strength and agility is enhanced. They also have an uncanny sense of instinct and if trained, they could even be able to communicate with animals!"

Wild - A Laurence x Y/N storyWhere stories live. Discover now