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Hey! It's 2016!
Unicarrot: Shut it! I'm trying to curl my hair!
Me: Grow up!
Unicarrot: What time is it?
Me: 9:45
Unicarrot: Oh no! I only have 15 minutes and 9 hours to get ready! *starts freaking out*
Me: *facepalms*

Anyway! Enjoy this chapter! Sorry about not updating! It's just that my friend came over and I haven't seen her in 2 years... She left this morning... Bye Sienna!

Laurence's POV

Are they done yet? Nope? Ugh!
"Awwww! Laurence is jelly!" Aphmau sang... Usually I don't get 'jelly' when it's about a girl... Since, I'm known for being a Casanova I just take any hot girl that comes my way... But not this time... By now I would have danced with around 20 girls but I've been sitting here for 45 minutes waiting to get a dance with YN...

And now she's with Dante. Again. Every single time I try to approach her. He will pay for this. He. Will. Pay.

"What do you want Cadenza?!" That's when I realize... She has her idea face on... Oh no...
"I have an idea..." Her evil smirk grows wider... I want to crawl into a hole and die right about now...
"Irene help us..." I manage to hear Aphmau say under her breath, making me stifle a laugh...

Your POV

I have been dancing for a while and I swear that every time Laurence even tries to approach me, Dante blocks him off. I wonder why... Maybe I'm just being paranoid...
"Hey Dante! Have you tried the tiramisu?" Cadenza started dragging him away... Literally...
"No! I know what your doing! Laurence! Don't you dare!" Dante starts yelling, trying to escape Cadenza... But when she's determined NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING, gets in her way. Then I realize that Laurence is making his way towards me, a smirk plastered across his face as he walks forward... Dante still yelling in the background. Eventually his yelling lands up becoming muffled protests and then coughs. Cadenza obviously forced that cake stuff down his throat. What did she call it again. Tear-ama-oo? I give up! Guessing it's name is a lost cause...

"May I have this dance?" He says as he reaches me, bowing and offering his hand to me... I personally think that my stomach did a cartwheel... He is so charming... WAIT WHAT!? I NEED to stop thinking like this!

I accept it and he spins me into his arms... I don't know how... But my arms land up wrapped around his neck and his around my waist... That's when I realize that he has a faint hue of pink on his cheeks... We glide across the floor... He can dance really well... He picks me up by my waist and spins me before allowing me the softly land by his side... With all the moves he's pulling off we have drawn the attention of a lot of people... A lot...
"My new OTP!"
"I ship it!"
I don't even know what that means!

Laurence's POV

It took ALL of my strength to not mess up! I swear... At this rate I'll be called the stutter King and not Garroth...

And that scares me.

A lot.

Sigh... Laurence likes YN! Then again... You already knew that!
Unicarrot: JO!
Me: UGH! What now?!
Unicarrot: My hooves are useless! Do you know how hard it is to fit into these heels?!
Me: Horses don't wear shoes! Neither do unicorns! Therefore neither do unicarrots! Wait... What heels?
Unicarrot: The wedges I found.
Me: Wear did you find them?
Unicarrot: ...In your closet...
Me:*grabs frying pan* UNICARROT!
Unicarrot: AHHHHHHHHH!

Wild - A Laurence x Y/N storyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt