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Your POV

I noticed Laurence being dragged by Cadenza to her house... I feel so sorry for him... Especially after my experience! I mean... I'll be surprised if he survives! Okay I'm just kidding!

"Hahaha! Anyways I should probably get back to my shift..." Dante laughed,
"No problem Dante... Although..." I hesitated,
"What's wrong?"
"It's just that... It looks like Cadenza... Sorta... Took Laurence..."
"Oh? Don't worry about it! I'll just tell Garroth that he had to deal with her before continuing his shift... He'll understand... Believe me..." He assured me that Laurence wouldn't get into trouble... Wait... Why do I care?

Dante's POV

Oh no... She was concerned about Laurence... This can't be good! I know that I'm not her brother... Since she actually has a name... My sister never even had a name before she... But I can't help but feel protective of her! It's like she actually is my sister! She just reminds me of her... It's those eyes! And innocence along with her hair color...

I walked over to the guard tower, where Garroth was...
"Hi Dante. Have you seen Laurence? He's meant to be on his shift." Garroth said once he saw me approaching...
"Actually, that's why I came here! Cadenza got hold of him..."
"Not again! I seriously need to speak to her about that!" He sighed... As did I... Not for Laurence... But for YN... He'll probably just land up breaking her heart... I guess all I can do is keep an eye on them...

A while later Laurence is on the streets again... Man... He doesn't look too good...
"Hey Laurence! Why are you so... Pale?"
"Human... Pin cousin..." He sighs heavily... I feel so bad for him right now!
"Ouch... Maybe you should go see Zoey about that... You look terrible..."
"Thanks Dante! Your such an amazing friend!" He said sarcastically, causing me to burst out in laugher...
"What?! I'm being honest!" I tease...
"Although I'm serious... Go. See. Zoey." I said once I had calmed down and was actually able to breathe again!
"Okay... Whatever MOM!" Did he just?... No he couldn't... HE IS DEAD!

"Ahhhhh! Somebody help! I'm being chased by a living blueberry!" Laurence yelled as I chased after him,
"Laurence! Get back here or else your dead!" I yell back...
"Oh Irene! It speaks!" He shouted... Shouldn't have done that!
"Ahhhhh!" He yells as I tackle him to the floor... We are now in the plaza... Where I hear Dale say something like,
"Princess Sprinkle-Carrot! Come back! You forgot to take your sky whale!" He started making REALLY freaky whale calls... We need to get rid of all the root beer we have! Seriously... Dale needs it...

Laurence took the opportunity to knock me down when I was distracted, he flipped me over using his legs to knock me to the floor... He started running...
"Take that MOM!" He turns as he's running, looking back at me as I stand up...
"Laurence! Look-----" I was too late... I closed my eyes as I heard the thump... He had run into YN, causing her to topple over... Hothead...
"-----out..." I finished slowly after I reopened my eyes...

Wild - A Laurence x Y/N storyWhere stories live. Discover now