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Hello there!
Unicarrot: HEYYO!
Me: Uni... Get out of my intro...
Unicarrot: Nuh to the uh to the no no no!
Me: Seriously. Out.
Unicarrot: *pouts* Is it too late now to say sorry?
Me: Are you ever going to leave me alone?
Unicarrot: What do you mean?
Me: THATS IT! *grabs frying pan*

You know what? I give up!
Me:*facepalms* Read. Just read.

Author's POV Just this once.

"Cadenza seriously you need to stop - OW!" You gasped as she stuck you, yet again with another needle. It had been 3 days ever since your little break down and the only reason Cadenza let you out of her house was so that you could go home or to Kawaii-chans for food. You hadn't seen many people around either, as you were practically trapped in Cadenza's house from 6 in the morning until 8 at night.

You had run into Garroth a few times, although he didn't manage to say much to you as you were hurrying along with Cadenza. Then there was that one time when you were going to Kawaii-chan's when you had a very... Interesting... Run in with Dale. He was clearly drunk as when Molly tried to drag him back to their house he kept on yelling 'how he has a wife' and how 'she shouldn't touch him'.

As you understood very little about the customs of normal people you had no idea what a wife was. Sure you had heard a few travelers mentioning theirs when you were still living your life in the forest. But you never understood why they meant.

And now that you were standing (again) in Cadenza's house as she adjusted the dark fabric along your arms, you couldn't help but wonder what all those people meant.

"Hey... Cadenza..?"

"Mhm..." She hummed in response as she had pins pressed between her lips.

"What's a wife?" She stopped moving altogether when she heard your question. Her once fumbling hands frozen, hovering above your left arm. She took the pins out from between her lips.

"Well... You know when a man and a woman get married they become husband and wife..." She went back to her work after her small explanation. Satisfied with what she told you. Only problem...

"What in the world is marriage?"

She froze again, before continuing with the explanation. Once again removing the pins from her lips.

"Well a girl and a boy fall in love... And they want to be together for the rest of their lives, so they get married and then they can live together under one roof and have kids and stuff..." Her face began to turn red. I took off the top part of the outfit and pulled my newly made cardigan over my head.

"How do you have kids?"

"OKAY AND WE ARE DONE HERE AND YOU CAN GO HOME NOW AND YOU CAN GET YOUR NEW CLOTHES TOMORROW MORNING-" she started to push you out the door as the rushed words came out of her mouth "- AND GOODBYE!" She slammed the door in your face. You stared at the door with one eyebrow raised. Wow...

You marched through the snowy pathways as the snowflakes fell gracefully from the sky. Slowly but surely thickening the layer of snow that lay on top of the paths, which poor Laurence, Garroth and Dante were going to have to clear in the early hours of the morning.

Thankfully Cadenza had provided you with FLAT boots, that way you wouldn't have to keep your balance on heels while walking through thick layers of snow like you had done before.

"Hey YN!" Laurence waved before jogging up to you, his footsteps crunching through the snow as he moved.

"Haven't seen you in awhile." He smiled at you, you hadn't realized until now that he had slight holes forming on each of his cheeks.

"What are these?" You asked, poking each of them. He chuckled, grasping your hands lowering and holding them I front of you as he laughed. His laughter soon reduced to chuckles, the smile not leaving his face. And his hands still holding yours.

"They're dimples." He looked like he was about to say something but shut his mouth and let go of your hands as soon as Dante approached.

"Hey guys! What's going on?" Dante had a fake smile plastered on his face as he stared down Laurence, who wanted to crawl into a hole and die.

"Nothing! Hey Dante, look over there!" Laurence pointed behind Dante and as soon as Dante's head turned he bolted out of sight so fast you would think he had left a trail a smoke behind him.

Dante turned back around, his fake smile now replaced with a genuine one as Laurence was no longer standing in front of them.

"Anyway how've you been?" Dante slung his arm over your shoulders as he stared down at you.

"I'm ok." You and him started walking down the path towards Aphmau's house.

"Hey Dante?"

"Yes YN?"

"How do you have kids?"

Wild - A Laurence x Y/N storyWhere stories live. Discover now