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Your POV

"What are you doing here anyway?" I asked, turning away from Laurence and walking back to my fire, I crouched beside it as the meat cooked..
"Cadenza just had one of her 'brilliant ideas' and asked me to ask you if you wanted to have a sleepover after the party tomorrow?"
"Sleepover?" That certainly sounds weird... Then again this is 'civilized' people we'r talking about!
"You know... When you stay over at someone's house for the night? And do a lot of girly stuff..." He said,
"Oh... Um... Neva?" She looked almost excited as she stopped tearing the raw meat off the boars bones... Her muzzle covered in blood...
"I guess that's a yes..." I shrugged ,
"If you don't mind me asking... Why do take advice from a wolf?" He asked hesitantly,
"Because I trust her..." I said plainly, although there is a little more to it than that... I... For some reason... Am able to understand how a wild animal is feeling... In a way... And their instincts are usually right when it comes to decisions... Most people think that they are just stupid animals that can't do anything besides take up space... But they are wrong! I don't know what it is but I can feel them...

"Okay then, I best be getting back to my shift... See you later YN..." He then walked back to Phoenix Drop, I watched as he disappeared behind the trees... That was interesting... Sleepover? Wow...

Laurence's POV

Oh man! She was so hot! I thought that I would turn into Garroth for a second... Like that would ever happen... Right? RIGHT?! I'm stressing way too much over this! Anyways! Back to patrol! Although I would rather be around YN for the rest of my day/life... I didn't say that!
"Hello? Earth to Laurence!" Dante waved his hand in front of my face snapping me back to reality...
"Huh? What?"
"Wow! Lover boy is daydreaming again!" Again?
"You've been quiet ever since you joined us on patrol!" Garroth laughed,
"Sorry... I just can't get her out of my head..." ...Seriously... I can't...
"Say Garroth? Have you noticed something?" Dante asked in a mocking tone... Oh no...
"Why yes I have Dante! Laurence hasn't actually gone all Casanova on her yet!"
"Who knows Garroth? Maybe shes 'the one'!" Dante said before bursting out in laughter... He literally fell backwards and landed up rolling around on the grass... Which made Garroth do the same... Which made me tackle them both... Which made a very awkward scene...

"Uhhhhhhh..." We froze in our positions... Our very ridiculous positions... Me on top of both of them... They were covering their faces with their hands so that I wouldn't land up ruining them with my fists...
"Come on Neva... I think Donna wanted to speak with us... Hehe..." It was YN! I felt so stupid! And I could feel my cheeks turning a deep shade of red... She giggled... It was cute... I've never seen her giggle... Or even smile... It brought a smile to my face... But as soon as she was out of sight...

"You guys made me look like an idiot!" I yelled after we had finally moved... They just stood there laughing...
"You... Should have seen your face!" Dante said between laughs...
"PRICELESS!" Garroth joined in...
"I hate you."
"HAHAHAHAHA!" They just kept on laughing! Except louder!

Wild - A Laurence x Y/N storyWhere stories live. Discover now