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I slowly sat up from the snow covered ground, Neva was already awake and sitting at my feet, I yawned... As I did so my jacket's hood fell from my head and strands of hair fell in front of my eyes... I was able to see people farming, conversing and just doing their everyday "jobs"... I sighed...

"Y/N! It's done! It's finally done!" Cadenza ran up to me, I was on my way to the forest to hunt when she caught me...
"What?" I looked at her... She had heavy bags under her eyes from lack of sleep and she wore the same outfit that she had yesterday...
"Just come on! I stayed up all night working on it! Altering designs... Sewing it together... The final touches..." Wow...
"On what?"
"Oh for Irene's sake! Just COME ON!" Instead of pushing me away. She dragged me inside of her house before hurrying downstairs to grab something...

She came up with a folded piece of fabric, she then handed it to me... It was a dress... No one has ever made me anything before... It was beautiful! I looked down at Neva, her tail wagging fast...
"Go on! I NEED to see what it looks like on you!" She then pushed me... Surprising right? Downstairs before running back upstairs to allow me privacy... Neva stayed up there as well...

I slipped into it after removing my other clothing...
"I'm done!" I yelled... Cadenza ran down the stairs faster than a bandit after he saw Neva... And believe me... That is FAST!
"What is it for exactly?"
"The party! Don't tell me you don't know where it is and when..." I shrugged... They didn't have to do this for me! But they had insisted...
"Oh my Irene! It's at the plaza tomorrow night at sunset! It's going to be amazing! Although I am still clueless as to how well your body can sustain heat for so long... Anyway! I need to get working on my brother's tux! So if you don't mind..."
"Well... Adoptive brother... You know , Laurence? Wait... He didn't tell you?! But he wouldn't shut up about y--- NO! I said NOTHING! YOU HEARD ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!" Uhhhhhh... I'm confused...?

And of course I was pushed out the door after I had changed back into my other clothes, Cadenza said to come to her at noon so that she and I could get ready... Noon? Well... I sure hope it won't take THAT long to get ready... What is she gonna do to me anyway? Turn me into some sort of doll? Ugh... I shivered at the thought...

Neva and I had FINALLY made it into the forest... Just in time for a large wild boar to run past us... I was fast enough to catch this one... Neva only had to keep up... After it had run past my instincts kicked in and I ran for it... Gaining speed as I ran... I reached inside my satchel that I had now slung around the jacket and took out one of my poisonous darts and threw it... Perfectly hitting it in the neck... Just as I always do, perfectly... It let out a squeal in pain before falling to the floor , lifeless... I slung it over my shoulders before heading back through the gates...
"Uhhhhhh..." Brian said as I entered, jaw dropped,
"What? Never seen a 'girl' carry a dead boar before?" I asked... Was it not normal to do this sort of thing?
"Umm... No? I mean yes? I mean... Ugh!" He was obviously baffled at the sight... I shrugged it off before entering again... Since I never stay in one place for too long I had decided to move a little bit further away from that really big tree... Although still in the same area... AKA where Aaron attacked Aph... Back to my story!

I started a fire after I had skinned the animal and cut it up using my dagger, of course Neva got most of it since I can't eat even half... I heard a twig snap, causing me to throw my bloody dagger at the sound... I'm a huntress so I'm able to know where I hit before looking... Since it my have been a person I aimed at the right arm... But only enough to catch onto a sleeve, which it did... Man I am good at this!

I turned my head to see Laurence... Pinned to a tree...
"What the?" He looked completely shocked as he stared at the dagger that had shot through the sleeve of his right arm , causing him to become pinned to the tree by his shirt... There would be no cuts... I've had too much practice...
"You shouldn't sneak up on me like that..." I watched as he ATTEMPTED to pry the blade from his chain mail...
"Uhhhhh... Little help?" I approached him and ripped the knife from the tree, revealing a slice through Laurence's armor...
"How did you do that? And without hurting me too?!"
"I've had a lot of practice remember? Wild forest girl?"
"Oh... Uhhhh... Right... Sorry , I sort of forgot..."
"It's fine... Just don't approach me like that... But wait... How did you know I was staying here?" I hadn't told anyone where I was staying...
"Oh... You see I Uhhhh... Saw you come this way?" Not even HE believed that... But I let it slide, since I don't really care for grudges...

Wild - A Laurence x Y/N storyWhere stories live. Discover now