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Your POV

I wake up with the light of the sun beaming through the room's window and onto my face. I scrunch up my eyes in discomfort before covering them with my hands and sitting up in the mess of bed sheets and pillows.

I let out a yawn as I stretch my arms above my head.

I quickly climb out of bed, still in the clothes I had worn yesterday. Although my boots lay at the foot of the bed.

"Is she in there?" I instantly recognize Cadenza's voice.

"Yeah... I don't know whether or not she's awake yet. Even so, she seemed really afraid last night. And that's not something I've ever seen in her." Aphmau's voice replied.

I look to the window and see my reflection staring back at me. Almost my reflection at least. For the girl staring back at me has blazing golden eyes. She stares at me with her new stylish clothes tightly fit around her body and her hair is much shorter than it was before. No wonder I can hear Aphmau and Cadenza speaking so clearly, although it sounds like they're speaking in hushed tones. It even sounds like their voices are coming from upstairs. I must've accidentally activated my powers or something.

I continue to stare at the girl for a few more moments until her golden eyes began to flicker, like a flame about to go out, until eventually they stop doing so and my eye color returns to normal. I can no longer hear their conversation. So instead I exit my room and go upstairs.

Cadenza stands there with a large bag and a few smaller ones talking with Aphmau.

"Oh, hey YN. You left your stuff at my place on accident. So I just thought I'd bring them back to you. And I also managed to finish a few more clothes for you. Quite stylish even if I do say so myself."

"Thanks Cadenza." I sighed as took the bags from her arms.

"Listen... I heard about what happened last night. You okay?" She touched my hand in a comforting way. I pulled out a chair and sat down at the table. Aphmau and Cadenza followed suit.

"Yeah... I just... I don't feel like myself anymore you know? I feel like I'm losing all these skills I've worked my whole life to earn. I felt indestructible when I first came here. Now all of a sudden... I'm vulnerable... I can't even handle the cold anymore. And I've only been here for about a week. Part of me feels like I should have left when I had the chance."

"You know... I get what your feeling. But if you think about it, your only human." I raise an eyebrow at Aphmau's statement.

"Okay... Mostly human." She corrects herself,

"And as humans, we get cold. It's a normal thing. Your just not used to being warm and suddenly the cold seems a lot colder than before since you've never felt like this before. And believe me, I get when you say you don't feel like yourself. Cadenza has that effect on people."


"But hey, she does that to everyone."


"And I'm sure she'll be able to make you a few new clothes that will keep you warm and allow you to move around just as much as your dress."

"... Aphmau... You are terrible..."

We all burst out laughing.

"What about training? I mean I actually haven't really done much hunting because of Kawaii-chan." I blurt.

"Do you know how to use a sword?" Cadenza asked. Huh. I never really thought of using anything but my dagger and darts.


"Perfect! That means Laur-I mean the guys and Aphmau will be able to teach you!  By the time they're done with you, you'll be able to use a sword and probably a bow and arrow too!" Cadenza gushed

"Yeah! And your welcome to use the training facilities anytime you like. We'll even let you take on missions with us. You would be extremely useful with your talents and powers."

"But Aphmau...  I can't control my powers..."

"Well I'm sure you'll be able to do so soon enough. Even if you can't you still have your natural abilities. I mean, you almost killed Dante when you first got here. Not only that but you have a strong connection with a wolf. With you and Neva on our team we will become even stronger."

"Okay... But I'm gonna need that outfit pretty soon..." They giggled along with me.


Wild - A Laurence x Y/N storyWhere stories live. Discover now