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Laurence's POV

Ow! Who did I just... I'm an idiot... YN was laying there on the floor all because I was being too childish to look where I was going... She groaned as she got up on her elbows...
"Ow..." She said as she rubbed her temples, once she pushed herself up so that she could actually sit... I feel so bad!
"YN! Are you okay? I'm am so sorry!" I kneeled down beside her offering my hand to her... She took it and they molded together perfectly... Like her hand was made to be in mine... I helped her stand up with my hand around her waist... I could feel the blush creep onto my face as I looked down at her.
"I'm fine Laurence, really... It was an accident..." She replied as she stared up into my eyes... I can't get over how amazing they are... There's just something wild about them... And it's not human... Wait! What am I saying? It's official! I've lost it!

"YN!" Dante came running up to us... He looked at us and for some reason started to look a little uncomfortable... That's when I realized why... I was still holding her hand...
The blush on my face grew even redder... I didn't want to let go... But I had to... So I did...
"Oh my goodness are you okay?" Molly said as she ran up to us...

"Yeah, thanks for asking..." YN assured her... I could tell that I was still blushing... I probably looked like some sort of strawberry...
"Well that's a relief... But what about you, Laurence? Your looking pretty red..." YN turned and looked at me... Now I'm an overripe strawberry!
"Oh yeah... Maybe he has a... What did Zoey call it? A temp... Temp... Temperature!" YN said... Man that was cute! She lifted her hand to my cheek... Making me turn... If possible, a brighter shade of red...
"He feels pretty warm..." She said, lowering her hand from my face... So cute...
"I think he's just embarrassed, YN..." Thanks Molly! Note the sarcasm!
"Hello!" Dante yells...
"Yes MOM?!"

Your POV

Laurence screamed like a little girl as Dante chased after him... Causing me to giggle... I was on my way to Kawaii-chan's cafe, she was taking care of Neva since I had dropped her off after I had spoken to Dante... I had decided to go for a walk to clear my head... But as I entered the plaza I was knocked down by Laurence... Ow... My head still hurts...

Molly and I watched as Dante chased Laurence across the plaza... We stood there giggling for a while until I left to go pick up Neva...
"Hey Kawaii-chan!"
"Hello YN-chan! Neva-san has been amazing! She even helped Kawaii-chan with Brendan-kun!"
"What did he do this time?" I asked as Neva walked behind me, turning to face Kawaii-chan just like I was...
"Brendan-kun was staring at me through the window and wouldn't go away!" Yup! That sounds about right!
"He can be a real creep sometimes!" I said...
"Yeah... Anyway! It's getting late and Kawaii-chan needs to wash the dishes..."
"Okay! Bye Kawaii-chan! Thanks by the way!"
"Bye YN-chan!"

The sun was almost down by the time we reached our little camping ground... I climbed up a nearby tree and fell asleep on one of the branches...

Awwwww! YN and Laurence had their first ever 'moment'! So cute! Anyway! Thanks everyone for reading and stay awesome!


Wild - A Laurence x Y/N storyWhere stories live. Discover now