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Your POV

I was on my way to go see Donna after Neva and I had eaten... But on the way I stumbled across a very... Interesting... Sight... HAHA! Laurence was on top of both Garroth and Dante in a very odd position... It looked even funnier when they noticed I was there since they froze in their positions... I swear I saw Neva smirk! But it made me giggle... Which isn't very normal for me... When I saw Laurence's cheeks go red... I'll admit... It was cute? In a way?

Anyway I eventually found Donna with her husband, Logan at the plaza... Along with an old woman with a cat... Were they...? Arguing?
"You married a mutt!" The woman yelled at Donna, that's when I noticed that Logan was in his werewolf form... He had told me about it when we had first met...
"Help me!" He mouthed to me,
"He's not a mutt!" Donna yelled back,
"Fine! Come on Mittens! We are clearly not wanted! Hmph!" The old hag said to her cat before walking off towards the docks with her nose in the air... Someone needs to have sit down with their ego!
"Hey YN... Sorry about that... That was my mother, she's not really a dog person..." Donna sighed sadly...

"You asked for me... Is everything okay?"
"Yeah... I wanted to ask for help on how to tell my mother about the whole 'werewolf' situation until she figured it out a few minutes ago." She shrugged,
"Yeah... She HATES dogs! And since your so good with them I was hoping you would be able to help me... But... As soon as she laid eyes on Yip..." She sighed,
"Everything went out of control?"
"Yup! She tried to hit him with her handbag! So then Logan transformed I order to protect Yip..." Logan cut her off,
"And she lost it!" He finished... I'll admit... He's a jerk! But it's understandable why he would say she lost it... Although I think she had already 'lost it' for a really long time...

So after another two hours of calming Donna down, Neva and I were able to go visit Aphmau...

"Momma, da lady is coming back!" Levin said, they were playing outside...
"Hey YN! What brings you here?" Aphmau said as she placed Levin on the floor with Malachi, who was playing in the sand pit,
"Donna and her mother had a bit of an argument..."
"Oh no... Let me guess... Logan?"
"You guessed it!"
"Ugh! Knowing that old witch she'll probably want to be back at her place tomorrow! I'll ask Garroth and Dale to prepare a ship..." She sighed... I don't blame her...
"By the way, before I forget, Cadenza told me to tell you that she has some shoes for you!" Aphmau said, changing the subject,

I started making my way to Cadenza's house , I walked past Laurence on the way and I guess he was a little embarrassed about earlier because he turned a bright shade of red... Kinda cute... Wait... WHAT?!?!?! Snap out of it YN!

Cadenza pulled me inside her house after answering the door... She then handed me the nicest pair of shoes I have ever seen... But wait... How the heck am I gonna walk in those?!

Wild - A Laurence x Y/N storyWhere stories live. Discover now