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"Guys! I think someone is here!" Shouted a man with dirty brown hair, but his eyes ... They looked like the sky... An incredible blue color that enchanted me for some reason... He wore a blue cloak over a plain grey shirt , as well as black pants and combat boots. He carried an emerald sword as well as shield, I think... He approached the embers of the fire that were still burning... Neva and I had hid behind the trunk of a tree, she gave me a worried look, as if signaling for me to climb.

I decided to take her advice and carefully scurry up the tree. It was thankfully not too big nor too small so I quietly hopped from one branch to another until I reached the top of the trunk, where branches branched out from. I realized that two other men... Also in armor... Had come running towards the guy with brown hair, I looked down at Neva... I think I saw one of them with blue hair? And the other blonde? Let me just try and see... I leaned forward, which is something you should NEVER do when trying to avoid the enemy! I learnt that the hard way when I first encountered a few bandits... I took one step closer but then quickly slipped and fell from my hiding place...

Luckily I had grabbed a few of my poisonous darts before I fell, and as soon as my feet touched the floor I sent them flying towards the three men...
"Guys? What was tha-AAAAAH!!!" Sadly I only hit the one with blue hair... Well he'll be dead within a day!
"DANTE?!" The other two yelled at their collapsing accomplice. The blonde turned to me, shock in his eyes.
"Who are you?!" He yelled at me... That's when I realized that I didn't try and run... I just... Froze... Which isn't normal for me! The brunette crouched beside his injured friend and before I knew it blondies diamond sword was drawn and charging straight at me... Neva leaped from behind the tree and bit his calf... Ouch!
"What the? A wolf?!" He looked up at me after being knocked to the floor by her,
"GARROTH! Who are you?" The brunette stood up, I raised my blade towards him...
"Shhhhhhhhh, it's okay... We won't hurt you..." He raised both of his hands on the air before slowly approaching me...
"Now... What is your name?" He asked as soon as he stood only about 5 feet away from me...
"Name?" I was confused... Do people have to have names? I never really thought of one for myself...
"Don't tell me you don't have a name..." A small smile appeared on his face...
"Neva! Off!" I ordered, she stood and jumped off the mans chest...
"Can you tell me what you did to our friend?" The brunette asked...
"You sure you won't hurt me? Or Neva?" I asked , taking a step back, blade still in hand...
"You have my word."
"I-I shot a poisonous dart at him... If we don't cure him soon then he'll die within a few hours..." I lowered the small blade...
"Okay... Do you have the cure on you?" Why was he being so nice about this? Oh yeah... He's just scared I'll knock him off too!
"Yeah... You can take it..." I threw it to him, it was in a small sack that I kept on my satchel at all times... Just in case...
"Thank you..." He caught it...
"Just take out a piece and make him swallow it." He did as I said after removing the darts from Dante's leg... That's his name? Right?
"Thanks... But I think you should come with us to our village." Garroth? Said... I didn't really want to cause anymore trouble for these guys so I nodded. The one that I believe was Laurence and the other one , Garroth helped Dante stand before leading me to a giant wall made of wood and stone...

Wild - A Laurence x Y/N storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora