Chapter Four

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"Here comes the one and only Abbey. The star of the show!" Announced Alex, loud enough for everyone to turn around and look at us.

We were both back stage and just hanging around. I was still shaking when I got off the stage, but I was shaking because I was proud of my self and so was my sister. I think this is one of the best days in my life. I can't wait to come back next week. After all I have been selected to the next round.

As I was walking off back stage, I heard the music turning on. Two girls, both aged thirteen were singing on stage. One was a blond and the other was a red head. Their voices were amazing but their dance wasn't too good, in fact it was terrible if you ask me. They did little ballet jumps and other dance moves that a three year old would do.

I could hear Alex giggling behind me. I was giggling to but not as loudly as Alex. I grabbed her hand and I pulled her towards the exit and she was still giggling. Sometimes I feel as if I am the oldest and Alex is my little baby sister learning to walk.

"Wasn't that hilarious!" Alex laughed some more and right now it was kind of getting annoying.

"No! It wasn't" I lie. "Now lets go, Caitlin would want to see the video." I say, holding her hand and leading her out of the building like she was a five year old.

And then she stopped. I turned around to look at her and she looked like someone had come and slapped her hard on the cheek. This can only mean bad news.

I crossed my fingers, hoping she hadn't forgotten to take a video or left it behind.

"I forgot to take a video." She finally admitted.

We stood there, starring at each other and there was silence. My mouth was still open but I quickly shut it just in case a fly was buzzing around and decided that my mouth was a nice resting place.


"Just kidding." Alex said with a big grin on her face.

"You are dead when we get home." I said angrily, but inside I was laughing too.

We walk towards the bus stop and we waited patiently for bus.

So far it had been eight minute and still not bus. I hated it when you just had an amazing day and there's always little things that ruin your day, like when a bus doesn't come on time. As for Alex, she didn't mind the wait. She was sitting down doing her nails as usual, since she has nothing better to do then look good. She says looking good makes her feel good and I guess she was kind of right.


A bright red, shiny car comes out from around the corner and parks ten seconds away from the bus stop. I take a step forward and I see Caitlin in the car.

Good timing Caitlin. I say to myself in my head and smile. I turn to Alex and tell her Caitlin is here but she didn't care at the moment. She told me to wait in the car and that she would be there in a minute. She was still putting on her blue nail polish on her fingers so that it would match her outfit. She said that perfection takes time and I told her that if she took longer than thirty seconds Caitlin and I were going and that seemed to grab her attention, so the two of us hurried into the car and Caitlin drove away.

As we were going home, I noticed, every time she stopped at a red light she would check her phone like she was waiting for a text message or a call. First shes acting all suspicious in the morning and now she is hiding something on the phone. It sort of worried me because what if she was followed by a stalker or something. She could be in danger. I wondered if I should tell Alex or dad but then again maybe its just something at work and she is probably waiting for a important message or call from the manager of the shop she works in but still I should be alert.

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