Chapter Nine

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Jordan's POV

The party was going smoothly. Dad had done a great job. I knew there was going to be a party but I didn't know it was going to be this good and I had just found out by James that I had done the shopping for no reason. I was mad at first but I guess he couldn't think of a better way of getting me out of the house.

I was just walking around, looking at the food and trying some of them. It was Delicious. I saw Abbey with her sisters and her dad. I wasn't expecting her to come. Why did she come? She wasn't on the list. I knew I should have crossed her name out and left her dads and her sisters. It would have been funny to see her being kicked out.

"She looks pretty today. Doesn't she, Jordan?" I turned around to see James.

"Who?" I ask.

"Who else? Abbey, of course." He said, smiling at me.

"Abbey, no. She looks horrible. She looks like a...a..."

"A what?" James questioned me.

I didn't know what to say. She didn't look that bad. Maybe a little pretty or in other words beautiful. No. Stop. I don't like her. I slapped myself on my cheeks and James moved away and said, "Whatever." How could he think I have feelings for her. No man would. Well maybe two or three. What was I saying? I need to wash my face and try and forget about her.

I raced towards the bathroom and splattered water on my face but she was still in my head. I went back to the party and I tried having a good time and I had my back facing towards her direction so I couldn't see her and luckily it sort of helped.

My cousins, Edward and Kelly came as well and I knew something bad was going to happen. Kelly and Edward have to start arguing and the next thing you know, there's a huge riot. If anything happens, my first suspects would be them.

"Zordan, tell Spazward to leave me alone or I will feed him cake." Kelly requested. Kelly's J's sounded like Z's because she says she doesn't like the letter J so she won't ever say anything with the letter in the word. I though it was stupid but funny. Kelly will always be a child.

"You mean Edward?"

"What's Edward? I only know Spazward." Kelly always makes up nicknames for the people she hated. Like she calls the shopkeeper a poo-keeper. She would go into a shop and if she see's a shopkeeper she doesn't like, she would go to her mum and say 'Mum, how much money are you giving the poo-keeper?' loudly on purpose so he/she can hear.

"Edward!" I shouted, so he can hear me calling. Edward came towards me and nodded his head. "Stop annoying Kelly or she is going to feed you cake."

"Smelly's going to give me cake. Yum!" Edward said and licked the top of his lips and rubbed his stomach.

"There! I told him." I said to Kelly.

"Smelly Welly!" Shouted Edward. "Kelly." He finished off. "Smelly, welly, Kelly." He chanted continuously.

"That's it!" Yelled Kelly.

She grabbed a piece of chocolate cake from the nearest table and aimed it at Edward who was too bust chanting to notice. She chucked it at him and it crashed on his face like it did to Abbey. 

I knew something bad was going to happen.  I didn't want to interrupt them just in case they decided I was a good target. I stepped backwards, away from them and bent down onto the floor and crawled backwards under the table. I was safe now. I could hear Kelly and Edward arguing. Edward sounded furious. I pulled up the table cloths and I saw Edward with a handful of ice cream and he targeted it at Kelly and now it was flying in the air and Kelly moved to one side and it crash landed onto Vinegars bottom. Vinegar was my auntie. She looked a bit like Cruella De Ville but the Barbie version.

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