Chapter One

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~Eleanor's POV~

"Can I have caramel frappel please?" I ordered politely to the short, petite blond hair girl who looks in their 18's.

"Yeah." She groaned and typed on the screen.

I looked around the Starbucks. I smell the aroma of the fresh, sweet coffees and the fresh, baked doughnots.

"That would be £8." She said.

I swiped my debit card on those card swipe machine thing and waited for my coffee.

After about 5 minutes later, the cashier called 'El' and handed me my coffee. I mumbled a 'thanks' before pushing the door open, leaving the scent of sweet aroma of coffee.

Cold breeze hit my face. I walked carefully to a striped-shirt guy whose leaning against his Volvo car.

"Hey I'm back." I said, without enthusiasm.

"What the hell took you so long?!" He hissed at me. He pushed his sunglasses further into his nose, looking around.

"I'm sorry, there was a long line!" I demanded, getting pissed. Man how I hate this man!

"Whatever. Get in the car." He ordered.

I quickly obeyed him. As soon as I'm inside, I fastened my seatbelt quickly and Louis started to drive away.

Hi, my name is Eleanor Jane Calder. I'm 20 years old, turning 21 this July 16th. I'm a Hollister model. I'm an only child. I go to Universtity of Manchester. Oh I forgot to tell you-I'm a fake girlfriend of a teen hearthrob named Louis William Tomlinson.

"Gosh, you're so damn slow! This happens to every single date we have, El! I always get mobbes my fans! I know the management forces us to go out in public sometimes to make people think that we're actually dating. Please hurry the fuck up next time! You're so damn slow!" Louis said, angrily.

"How many times do I need to tell you that there was a long freaking line?!" I yelled.

"Goddammit, Eleanor! You're so fucking annoying!!!! Why did I had you as my publicity girlfriend?!!!" He shouted, gripping the driving wheel.

I felt a pang of pain shot through my heart. "I didn't choose to!!! I didn't know that I would be stuck with an arrogant prick like you!" I defended.

Throughout the car ride, we were calling each other's name and insulting each other.

Oh did I forgot to say that Louis, the prick and I actually loathe each other? Louis freakin' Tomlinson is the biggest ass jerk you'll ever meet. Oh, you think that he's funny-carrot-lamborghini-outgoing-cute-immature? Well, you're wrong. He's evil and mean.

When we arrived at the mansion that we lived together. T-o-g-e-t-h-e-r. Yes, we do live together. The management forces us to. But we live with the boys, thank God.

As soon as Louis parked in the garage, I got out as fast as I can and ran inside the house.

"Hi guys!" I called in the living room. They were all playing Calls of Duty in Xbox, while Niall shoves a handful of popcorns into his mouth.

"Hey El!" Niall smiled. "So, how did the date go?"

"What do you expect?" I rolled my eyes.

"Aww Elee, Louis isn't that bad. " Zayn laughed.

"Tell me more." I stuck my tongue out.

"HI GUYS!!!" An annoying voice said in a cheery voice, from behind. Oh who does it belong to, you ask? Louis. :p

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