Chapter Twelve

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-Eleanor's POV-

"We have arrived in Los Angeles, United States. Please take your luggage with you and make sure that you have not left any thing with you. Thank you."

I groaned as I unbuckled my seat belt and got up. I passed by Zayn, who's still sleeping heavily. The rest of the boys are already trying to get their luggage out. I opened the luggage lid, above my seat, you know where we put our luggage about the eat? Yeah, that's what I'm talking about.

"Ugh!" I tried my best to pull it out, but it must be stuck.

"Heere let me help you." A voice from beside me rang. I looked and it"s Louis.

I was about to protest, but by that time, he already got my stupid luggage out. Darn those 8 biceps.

"Thanks." I smiled.

"Yeah." He grinned back.

Then after we climbed down the airplane ladder, Lou again, offered to carry my stuff. I said yes, cause I gotta admit, it's pretty heavy. Hey-I'm only like 110 pounds! He's like 160! When we were about to check in, I saw through the window, millions of fans were holding a banner or holding their phone up. Probably taking pictures or recording stuff. 

"You'll be okay." Louis' voice whispered, that sent chills down my spine. 

I just ignored him and kept doing what I'm doing. I showed my passport to the security gueard and stamped on it. I just kept on walking, following Niall and Harr. The other boys are probably still checking in. A 6'5 foot guy, who looked like he's in his 40's greeted us.

"Hello guys, I am Tom Bey. I am gonna be your temporary bodyguard for now. I'll also be your driver. Your uncle Simon has sent me to pick you up." He said, he showed his I.D. Sure enough, there's a special signature of Uncle Simon. I know it because we're the ones who only knew.

We walked outside and the screaming got louder. We all just simply waved and did the 'flying kiss' thing and I swear to God-one girl fainted when Niall waved. Our car is a black limo, twice as big as we used to have in Englad. Wow.

Tom quickly rushed in to open the door for us. He helped us with our luggage and stuff. Inside the limo, the seats were lined up to the sides, there was a small TV by the passenger seats, and there's a lamp in a small coffee table near the seats. It was pretty cool I gotta admit.

As soon as Louis, Zayn, and Liam arrived, we drove off to Uncle Si's assisted house he bought for us.


Wow, the house was just wow... The lights were so fancy, like the ones in the TV. The lightbulb was surrounded by diamonds. I don't even know if it's a real Diamond or not. Outside, there's a big pool and a small hot tub. The living room is so cool! There's this flat screen attach to the wall and the couch looked really pricey too. Tom showed us our rooms. Louis and Harry shares a room; Zayn and Niall shares a room; Liam and I gets our indivudal room. Ha! Sucks to be them. ;P

My room looks like a princess' room. The bed was high with platwood on either sides and above. The sides has a plain, sliky, white curtain. This is like my dream room!

I happily jumped into the bed. God, this is so fluffy and comfy. My closet was 9 ft tall by 18 feet long. I was huge! But unfortunately, I only brought the clothes I wear the most. I probably brought 20 shirts with me and 8 pants.

I picked up my luggage by the door that Tom had dropped off and began unpacking. Maybe Los Angeles won't be that bad.

-Louis' POV-

"Finally." Harry groaned, letting himself sink into the bed. "Final..." then I heard snoring. Man, if this boy would be a King, he would be the King of naps.

The room was pretty big. There's a small wooden cabinet located next to our closet, tom put our 'guy stuff.' The bathroom has a small hottub and a shower room. The smell was wonderful. It's a mix of roses and candy. Our bed that Harry and I has to hare is like HUGE. It's a king sized bed, that I can is a little pricey due to its softness and wideness.


I pulled my phone out of my pocket, and the caller ID says Hannah Banana<3

"Hey babe!" I chirped, happily. Happy that she called.

"Hey." she said in a not-so-excited tone.

"What's wrong?" I asked, worriedly.

"I miss you."

"Aww," I cooed, feeling butterflies in my stomach.

"I just wanted to hear your voice, Boobear. Listen, I hate to say this but I gotta go. Bye." she said.

"Bye, love you." I smiled through the phone.

"I love you too." then she hang up. I laid down next to Harry, who was drooling all over the pillow, and fell asleep.

-Eleanor's POV-

"Ugh," I groaned, as I tried squeezing into my leggings. I'm going for a 2 hour cardio. I think I gained a pound or two. My boss is going to kill me!

I put on a purple sport bra and a Nike TShirt. I tied my Adidas sneakers and tied my hair in a ponytail. This is what I usually wear when I go for an excercise.

I caked my face with concealer, fake lashes, and baby pink blush. Then I applied thick layer of bloody red lipstick on my lips. There! I hope nobody recognizes me!

I jog downstairs, quietly, careful not to wake up the freaks who were taking a nap upstairs. It's 2 in the afternoon and I can't fall asleep, so I decided to explore around the neighborhood and just jog around.

I rummage through the cabinets to find a water bottle.

"Perfect." I whispered, as I found a PINK Victoria Secret Water Bottle. I filled it up with a cold water.

"Tom," I shook Tom, who was taking a nap in the couch.

"I'm going for a run." I whispered.

"Mmkay...." he moaned.

I tiptoed quietly, as I reach for the door, closing it very quietly.

There ya go! There's the chapter you Cupcakers had been wating for a 2 weeks! What do you think will happen as Eleanor jogs? Will she meet a 'guy'? ;D Will her make up come off as she sweats and somebody would recognize her?

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