Chapter Three

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~Louis' POV~

I actually felt bad for saying that to Eleanor. I know I'm a jerk but I love my girlfriend. I just don't like it when the boys defend her.

"Hey Louis, can we talk to you privately?" Harry emphasized the word 'privately.' Know what I mean by now? The boys doesn't seem to like my 'real girlfriend.

"Sure," I gave them my secret death glare. I stood up and excused my self from Hannah and followed the boys to the living room. 

"Why the hell would you do that to El?!" Harry boomed. 

"What?" I asked, disinterested. I don't know why but for some reason, I hated the 'Eleanor' topic.

"That was rude! Your ahem, girlfriend was being a bitch to her and you can't even see that? You guys are ganging up on her, like bullying her!" Harry continued. I had never in my entire life, have seen Harry like this before. His face is as red as tomato and his voice is pretty threatning too. 

"Louis, I am really disappointed in you. I never thought that you could do that to a girl. Hey even though she's a model, words hurt. You'll never know what it could lead it to." Liam said, shaking his head. 

"Well obviously, he wouldn't since he doesn't have a single fucking clue about Elley's past." Niall snarled. 

Suddenly, there was a silence. Nobody spoke. All we can hear are our hearts beating. It was very quiet. And all that's running through my mind is.... What do the boys mean about Eleanor's past? No matter how long and hard it takes, I'm going to find out my self. 

-Eleanor's POV-

 "One, two, and three and smile!" the potographer said. Click, click, click.

"Nice job, Eleanor! Here's your next outfit." Maya, my assitant handed the clothes that I'm wearing next. I mumbled her a thanks before locking my self up in the girls dressing room to change. 

I changed into some ripped, denim shorts and and a table cloth-like crop top that stops about in my belly. I stared at my reflection and flashbacks started replaying in my head. 


"Elley, honey, I think you should stop eating that....fattening thing."My mom said, looking at dad with a I-think-she've-had-enough-and-she's-getting-fat look. My dad looked at me with pitied eyes. 

"Mmmfff,"I mumbled, thrusting a cupcake in my mouth. It's another bad day at school. People called me fat and ugly. Instead of starving myself as a punishment, I eat twice of what I normally eat. Yes, I am an emotinal eater. 

Mom and Dad couldn't do anything to stop me from shoving food in my mouth. No one can blame me if I'm born emotional eater right?

That night, I studied my looks. I looked at the girl in the mirror. I saw a girl with curly, greasy, brunette hair, a girl who had dull eyes from crying, a girl who had curves on both sides of herhips, a girl with no thigh gap. 

I grabbed the weight scale under my bed. I hesitated to step in at first, but I really wanted to know if I put on a few pounds. 

I closed my eyes and took a deep, sharp breath. I looked down. 

148 pounds. 

I felt tears streaming down my cheeks. It's true. I am fat. I am fatter than a whale. I hate myself. I hated everything about me. 

Flashbacks ends

I didn't realize that a tear had fallen off my eye. I stared at the girl now. That was then and this is now. I stared at the girl with wavy, beautiful, long brunette hair that falls down in her chest, a girl with flat stomach. A girl who had her collarbones and hipbones,and thigh gaps. And the girl who is now a Hollister model, size 2. 


"Bye guys! See ya tomorrow!" Finally, done after posing for 8 hours! I grabbed my purse and waved to my co workers. I went outside to find my car. Wait- shoot! I don't have my car! It's in the mechanic repair shop cause a wheel on front is flat. I remember taking a cab this morning. I groaned to myself. It's kind of chilly actually and it's really dark. Oh I forgot, fall is coming. I started walking to find some cab when a familliar, baby voice made me stop. 

"Hey, do you want me to drive you?"


Hey guys! Sorry for not updating alot! I'm kind of on vacation during the last chapter I posted so really sorry for slow updates! Sorry that this isn't my best chapter either! I worked on this for 2 hours, trying to come up with an idea for Chapter 4! 

Don't forget to vote, follow, and give me your thoughts for the next chapter (;

Don't forget to follow me on:

Instagram: @doncastyles and @kyylllaaaa1D

Wattpad: @enchanted1D

Ex oh ex oh, 


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