Chapter Twenty One

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-Louis' POV-

"Don't ever let him go. He's the best thing that ever happened to me,"

Those words made my heart stopped. Was she being serious? Or is she just playing along?

"Aww, I can't...You guys are sooo perfect!" Ellen complimented.

"Thank you," I replied with a smile. I pulled El closer to me and wrapped my arms around her shoulders. I kissed the top of her head and brushed her hair with my hand. To my surprise, El was hiding her face, burying her hands in her face. I'm assuming that she's probably blushing.

"Thank you for joining us,"Ellen stood up, signaling us that the interview is over. El and I stood up as well.

Ellen hugged us both. "Oh and by the way, I heard that you guys have an upcoming album?" she mentioned.

"Oh yeah!" I realized. "It's called Midnight Memories," I went backstage and grabbed it from one of the guy who works there.

"We're releasing it on December. Please don't forget to buy it at your nearest CD store or whatever. We promise that you won't regret buying it," I smiled for the camera, while holding out the CD for everybody. "It's our gift for you, Ellen," I handed it to her. "I hope you like it," I smiled.

Ellen looked at it front and back. "Best song ever, Diana, Story of my life..." she started reading it.

"Ellen! You'll spoil the fun!" I teased.

"Thank you, Louis!" she laughed and hugged me again.

"Anytime, Ellen,"

"Last favor, can you sing something for us? Anything," she asked, eagerly.

"Louis, Louis, Louis...." the crowd agreed.

"Fine," I gave in. The crowd roared in delight. One of the backstage, camera men, gave me a microphone.

"Let's waste time

Chasing cars

Around our heads

I need your grace

To find my self...."

"And I forget the rest," I admitted. The audience broke into a big, round applause.

"Bye!" we both waved as we walked backstage.

Once we were in the very deep of the backstage, El pulled me in for a hug. I was surprised as well, but I hugged her back.

"We made it," she panted, as she pulled away. It felt good and I hated when she pulled away.

"Yeah we did a nice job," I agreed.



"About what you said earlier. Remember? Message to my future girlfriend if we ever broke up-answer? Were you..." I was about to ask her if she was being honest about it.

"...being....real for what you said?" I took a sharp breath.

Silence was on atmosphere. It was so awkward and silent between us. I was almost scared of what she's gonna say.


I looked at her deep, hazel eyes, looking for any sign of lie. But all I see is sincerity.

"Thank you. That means alot," I couldn't help but to hug her. I buried my face in her hair and inhaled. I can feel something I've never felt before.

"Hey c'mon it's no big deal," El pouted.

"To me it is," I panted as I let go of her. I put both hands on her shoulder and looked deeply in her eyes. This time, El started blushing.

"Let's go. I'm kind of hungry." she shrugged, awkwardly.

"Same. Let's find a place to eat," I intertwined my hands to hers.

-Eleanor's POV-

Lou and I stopped by at a restaurant called The Cheesecake Factory. I ordered pasta with marinara sauce whilst he ordered tomato soup.

Next, we went to visit the beach. It's getting dark and Lou and I were sitting in the sand and watching the stars twinkled.

"Lou?" I spoke.

"Hmm?" he hummed.

"Were you being real for what you said earlier?" I brought up the Ellen question topic. I'm curious about it. I wanna hear it from him, from his mouth. "Were you just pretending?"

"No, I wasn't," he simply replied. "Why?"

"W..well," I stuttered. "You were the first guy in a long time that ever said that. You didn't say the term 'hot' or 'sexy' like what guys would usually describe me. But something about what you said made me believe that I mean. That every girl is beautiful," I confessed. We still aren't looking at each other. Our eyes are focused on the stars, although I lost interest.

I felt him shifting. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see his sillhoutte facing me.

"You do deserve it," he said in a low voice.

"Thank you, Louis. I wasn't kidding about what I said earlier. Anybody would be lucky to have you," I mumbled, turning my body to him.

His sillhoutte is so dark and shadowy that I could barely tell it was him. Except for his quiffy hair and his perfect jawlines, it kind of says it all.

"Hannah is a very lucky girl. You're not the lucky guy, but the girl that you're going to love, because anybody would die to have you,"

"And same with the guy that you will love in future," he replied.

"Have you ever wonder what's going to happen to us once the contract ends?" I whispered and closed my eyes.

I heard Lou sighed. A heavy sigh. "I don't wanna think about it,"

Curiousity filled my head. "Why? It's true sooner or later, we both know it's going to end soon-"

"No, don't go in there yet!" he cutted me off. "I don't want it to end. I don't want the contract to end. It would involve us being apart,"

"I don't want it to end either, Lou. I don't wanna leave," I weakly whispered.

"Don't worry. We'll still be friends right?" he assured.

From that moment, I was ready to.tell him what I truly feel about him. That I love him. That I don't want the contract to end because leaving him was the least thing I would do on Earth. But after he said that, it pained me alot. He only sees me as a friend.

"I'll have my family. Hannah and I were thinking of having 2 kids. We want to have a baby boy first then a baby girl. So the baby boy would protect its younger sister......"

I wasn't paying attention to the rest. All that's in my head is when he said the word family. Family with Hannah? The image of Louis being a father feels like my heart is being ripped off my chest.

"Aha," I hummed trying to make it look like I was listening, since he can't see me, he couldn't see my broken expression.

Lou may not tell me directly but that was his way of saying he doesn't feel the same way.

Merry Early Christmas!! This is my early gift for all of you lovely 'cupcakers' out there ;D


I won't update until this reaches 10,000 reads and has 200 votes.

Last chapter for now and the goal starts NOW too.

xoxo Kyla

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