Chapter Nineteen

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-Eleanor's POV-

The whole ride was so different. Of course, the boys were their usual selves, you  know talking about girls and fans and stuff like that. But Lou was so quiet the whole time. He was just staring at the window, in a deep thought. Something is so different with him I just can't explain how. He never even talked to me nor looked at me. I thought this was gonna grab his attention? I guess not.

"Sam!" I pulled him in for a hug.

"You look so beautiful, El!" he complimented. In his left hand was a wine glass with champagne.

I looked at Lou who sulked miserably and ordered at the waitress. I couldn't quiet hear what he was saying.

The club was so unexpected. I thought there'd be loud music, people having sex on public and stuff like that. But it was so decent and quiet and classic music-like was playing.

The rest of the boys gone off somewhere else in the bar. Liam was probably just walking around and watching out for the boys(even though Tom came with them.) Tom went with the 5 of them. He'll also probably drink a couple or two.

"Hey I want you to meet someone," Sam smiled.

"Who?" I can't help but to ask.

"You'll see,"

-Louis' POV-

I drank my 4th champagne as I watched Sam and Eleanor with tensed and ready-to-punch jaw. She was laughing with Sam and they were also with a brown haired girl. His arms were around El's shoulders while holding hands with the brown haired girl.

What a fucking playboy.

The brown haired girl said something that sent all of them laughing. Sam's arm shifted down to her waist. That's when I realized I couldn't take it anymore.

"Hi Eleanor. Hi Sam," I fakely smiled, spitting every word with venom.

"Hey Lou. Meet Sandra, Sam's girlfriend." El introduced.

What? He already has a girlfriend?

"Hi my name is Sandra and I AM A BIG FAN!!!" she suddenly screamed.

I chuckled. "Would you like a pictu-"

"YES!" she cutted me off with disbelief. Her face was priceless.

"I'll take it," Sam offered.

"Thanks babe," she beamed.

I put my arms around Sandra and smiled at the camera. When it was done, Sam came up to me.

"You thought I was flirting with her don't you?" Sam grinned. "I was actually engaged with Sandra already. That's why I invited her because Sandra really wants to meet her. She loves Eleanor's sense of fashion." He laughed at the end.

I felt a wave of embarassment of shame over me. I was judging Sam all alone when he was already engaged? I feel so humiliated.

"No need to apologize," he stated. "I understand. You're her boyfriend and of course you'll go nuts. But I love Sandra and El is just a friend of ours,"

"I'm so sorry," I apologized, sincerely.

"It's all cool, man," he smiled kindly.

"So when did you guys get engaged?" I smiled and asked with interest. After all, Sam DOES not like El and he is already engaged, which makes El all to myself.

-Eleanor's POV-

"You and Louis are like the cutest couple," Sandra chirped on and on.

For the straight 2 hours, this girl has been talking nonstop. Man, she does loves talking doesn't she? Don't get me wrong, I mean I like her. She's really pretty and nice and outgoing but this is making me so awkward and uncomfortable. She keeps on praising me on and on about how cute Louis and I were.

I wish I could tell you the truth, Sandra.

"Have you guys done it already?" she asked out of nowhere.

"What?"I asked, confused, but realization hit me. "What the heck-"

"OMG tell me everything! Is his thing long? Was it rough? Slow? Condoms used-"

"No!" I shouted, uncomfortably. Ohmygosh I can't believe her. It's going too far.

"Hey may have this dance?" a hand appeared infront of me, as if it's  offering me to take it.

"Yes, you may," I quickly answered Louis. Yes! I'm getting out of this conversation!

"Be right back," I told Sandra, so I'm not being rude.

Lou pulled me in,  in the middle of the dancefloor. The song Sometimes When We Touch by Dan Hill was playing currently, and every single couple is swaying.

We were both smiling at each other while I put my right arm on his neck and hold his hand with my left hand.

You asked me if I love you
And I choke on my reply
I'd rather hurt you honestly
Than mislead you with a lie

"You looked stunning tonight," he whispered on my ear, sending shivers down my back.

"You don't look bad, Tomlinson," I retorted with a grin. Blush crept upon my cheeks. It's a good thing that he can't see it. Thank God for the Hollister-like room!

"So, how's it going with Sandra?" he changed the subject. "Sam's actually a pretty good guy." he added.

"Sandra well," I felt uneasy telling him about the whole it conversation thing with Sandra. But then, he also has the right to know since he's involved with the topic. "Well she asked us if we've done it." I swallowed, holding my breath.

There was a pause at that moment. I can feel the awkwardness in the atmosphere, just like what I expected. All we can here was the song still playing.

Sometimes when we touch
The honesty's too much
And I have to close my eyes and hide
I wanna hold you till I die
Till we both break down and cry
I wanna hold you till the fear in me subsides

"What did you say?" he finally spoke. Our holds loosened a bit and our sways grew weak and lifeless.

"Then you asked me to dance and I left her with no answer." I said, truthfully.

"Oh, that's a really awkward question I must say. But really, it's none of her business to ask. It's personal, even though we haven't,"

At times I'd like to break you, and hold you to your knees
At times I'd like to break you
And hold you endlessly

At times I understand you
And I've watched how hard you tried
I've watched as love commands you and
I've watched love pass you by

"Yeah it's okay," I responded, as I leaned on his shoulders and rested my head on it. I let my hands go of his, and wrapped it around his neck instead. He was a suprised of my action actually, but after a few seconds, he moved his free arm into my waist. Now, both of my arms were wrapped around his neck, while his hands were tight on my waist.

As we swayed, I buried ny head deeper into his neck. I can smell his minty-peppermint perfume that he always use.

I wanted time to stop. This is such a perfect night for me, not to mention the best.

Louis changed me. He made me feel special. Loved. Worth it.

It's ironic isn't it? A simple gesture can change everything.


Heyyooooo people! I love this chapter<3 I did A from the last chapter and see? She made Louis jealous, but at the end, it's still Louis where her heart belongs to ;D

Go listen to Sometimes when we touch by Dan Hill while reading this chap.

I'm ending this soon so fast update guys! :)

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