Chapter Seven

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-Louis' POV-

I was so happy when Eleanor forgave me! It feels like I wanna jump forever. This time, I won't blew the chance up. I'm not doing this just cause I feel bad and don't want the guilt to consume me, but it's also because I misjudged her. I thought she was ruining my relationship with Hannah, but she's actually protecting it and this is the least I can do. But, that's not all. I really, really wanna start over again with her. Forget everything and start over to being friends. 

I happily took a shower. I hummed Little Things as I rubbed the shampoo all over my hair. Then, I spread my favorite, minty, watermelon scent-body wash all over my body. After I took a shower, I brushed my teeth and sprayed Axe on my armpit. 

Then, I went through my wardrobe to find what clothes to wear. I decided to go with an Abercrombie and Fitch blue t-shirt, and a pair of brown, Ralph and Lauren shorts. To match with the outfit, I chose black Converse with it. 

I crept down the stairs, silently, knowing that all the lads are still sleeping. It's stil 11 in the morning, they'll probably wake up between 12 to 2 in the afternoon. I waited for El in the living room. She's probably still in the shower, I thought. I grabbed my iPhone from my pocket and began playing Temple Run. 

After 20 minutes...

"Ohmygosh, die you big, fat ugly monkey!!" I screamed. "NOOO!!!" 

Game Over

Best: 4, 998,067

I groaned. "I always end up losing when I'm close to 5 million." I huffed. 

"Lou?" a sweet, feminine voice said. 

I looked up and saw El walking towards me. 

She looked cute . She's wearing a high wasted shorts, and a white t-shirt, in a messy bun. She's wearing black Vans. I swear we look like we're twins!

"Sup, bud?' she wiggled her eyebrows. 

"Hey," I beamed, happily. 

"Let's go?" she smiled. 

"Let's go!" I returned the smile. 


"Oh my gosh, let's go to Top Shop!" she squealed. "Look, they have new clothes that arrived!" 

I whined. "Can I go to my store now?" I complained, like a little kid. 

"Nope, let's go!" she grabbed my arm and dragged me inside the store. Once we're inside, she started picking for clothes.

I started looking around. Girls. I thought. 

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a cute shirt. I immediately grabbed it, like calling dibs on something. It's a baggy-like shirt with Coca Cola written across. Wait-it's a pair! It says one for the girlfriend, and one for the boyriend....

Guy friends, I mean...

"Ellie!" I called. 

She came back with a cute, grey beanie. "Isn't this cute?" I gushed, showing her the matching shirts. 

"OMG, yes it is!" she snatched it from my head and grinned at it. 

Seeing her smile warms my heart. Too bad her boyfriend left...

Snap out of it, Louis! 

"Haha yeah," I laughed.

"Do you like anything else?" I asked, nicely. 

"Just this beanie. I'm gonna pay for it and this matching shirt of ours too." she smiled. 

"No, will pay for it!" I demanded, grabbing it from her hands.

"No, I will!" she fought back, pulling it back. 

"No, I will!" 

"I will!" 

"I will!" 

"Fine." she gave in.

"Good." I grinned. 

After I payed for it, I saw El outside of the store already. She was pacing back and forth, talking someone on the phone. 

"Ugh, I hate you, Harry for telling me now! We just got here! I'll tell him, bye." then she hung up, frustratedly. 

"Hey, everything alright?" I asked, curiously.

"Yes," she smiled, but I can tell it's fake. "We're leaving today, we're going to Las Vegas. We're leaving at 5 o'clock! And it's 1! Lou, we gotta go home and pack!"

I widened my eyes. It probably looks like the size of a golfball. "What?!"

"I know," she sighed. "I was unexpectedly coming to tour with you guys. I freaked out because I mean, what about my career?! But then the management already covered it up, they already called my boss and excused me. Lou, we're gonna be gone for 8 months!!!!!"

"I am gonna murder the boys as soon as we get home for not telling us right away."


"How are we gonna make it outside? They somehow found out that we're here!" El whispered, furiously. 

"I know." I agreed. "Wear this beanie, and I'll wear my sunglass. Let's exit in the entrance, they're probably in the parking lot.  We'll just exit outiside and make a u-turn to the parking lot and hope that they don't catch us." 

El looked at me with a '-.-' expression. "Wow, your plan is great." she remarked, sarcastically. 

I groaned, annoyingly. "I know it's not really the smartest plan that I've come up with but it doesn't hurt to try." I said.


We took a deep breath before we walked out, holding hands that somewhat made my heart skip a beat. 


"Is it true that Louis cheated on you?"

"Ms. Calder, what do you say about the fans that called you a beard?"

"Is Larry real?"

The paparazzi's were throwing the questions at me like a rock. I just kept my head down, and squeezed Lou's hand tighter. 

"Just ignore them, as longs as you have me, no one would lay a finger on you." he whispered in my ear. 

I nodded, weakly. We pushed ourselves and just walked calmly, acting as if there were no paparazi's around. 

Let God bless us and helps us pass through these idiots. 

Must READ!!!

Hey guys! Sorry if I hadn't updated in like a couple of weeks! I hope you understand that there's school and I'm usually a straight A student, but my grade is dropping since I started this story. Don't worry, I won't stop writing this! I would continue writing it until it ends! I just hope that you guys will understand that it's gonna be a slow update! I'm really, really, really sorry, my Munchkins!

Can we get it to 50 likes, and 10 comments for this chapter please? :) I love every single one of you<3


Truly, Madly, Deeply, 

Kyla :D


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