Chapter Five

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-Louis' POV-

When I woke up the next day, I had this pit on my stomach for some reason. It feels like something unexpected's gonna happen. I got up off the bed and took a long, soothing shower. Then, I chnaged my self into a pair of Levi's jean and a Hollister shirt. I brushed my teeth and combed my hair, before heading downstairs. 

"Hey guys 'Mornin'!' I greeted them. I sat next to Zayn. I looked around and noticed that Eleanor isn't with us eating.

"'Mornin'" they echoed. 

I helped myself with some bacon and eggs. "Where's Eleanor?" I asked, taking a bite. 

Suddenly, a silence was upon in the air. How come they suddenly turned so quiet? And the most important question, where is Eleanor?

"Oh umh, she umh she left early." Harry mumbled. 

"Why?" I asked, curiously. Usually, El's photoshooting is every Monday and Friday. Now it's Tuesday. So, she definitely didn't go to studio. 

"I think you should ask Elley that, Lou. It's none of our business to tell you." Zayn sighed. 

Now, it made me even more curious. What are they talking about? Why did El left so early? And my most important question that needs to be answered is: What are they talking about? 

"Lou," Niall said, "We all know that you dislike Elley, because you didn't get to spend with Hannah on public, but you have to understand that if Elley wasn't here, then Hannah is the one that would get the hates. But you atleast maybe even try to be friends with her You didn't even give her the chance  to show herself to you. Mate, you don't know what she've been through."

I looked down, shamefully. It's true. I think that I'm going too far on her and I feel really bad. If it wasn't for her, then Hannah is the one who would received painful tweets on Twitter. She would be the one to be called a whore, slut, or a  beard for some Larry shippers. She made a big sacrifice. For me and Hannah. 

"I'll apologize to her once she gets back." I said, softly. 

"I don't think today's a good idea." Liam frowned. "Maybe tomorrow."

"Why?" I again, asked. 

"Maybe you should ask her that once you guys started becoming friends." 


I waited the whole frickin' day. It's 1 and she's not back yet. The boys are all sleeping upstairs and I voluntirally stay awake so when El come's back, I could ask her where she went.  I'm beginning to worry. Where did Eleanor go? Where and why did she-


I jumped out of the couch and rushed into the door. There stood, Eleanor looking like Kesha. She looked drunk and worn out. 

"El?" I walked up to her, softly. I've never seen her like this before. She was a mess. Her hair was every where. Her mascara and eyeliner was all over her face and she looked like she've been crying. 

"Hi Lou," she giggled, she was struggling to walk. "Oh, tipsy aren't we?" she giggled, she was about to fall when I rushed in to catch her. 

She fell into my arms and our eyes met. I looked at her with a pang of pain in my chest. What happened to you, Eleanor?

"I can walk," she pushed me and stood up, but obviously failed. 

"Here, I'll take you to your room." I whispered. I swoop her off her feet and walked upstairs, to her room.

I can't believe that she's light as a feather. When I carry Hannah in a bridal style, I always end up with back pain, but with Eleanor, she's very light.

I used my right arm under her waist to open the door. I gently laid her down. She sat up and hugged her knees with tears suddenly falling. 

'What happened, El?" I gently asked. She didn't respond, but I can hear soft cries coing out of her mouth. 

"El?" I cupped both side her face and brought her chin to my pointer finger to look at me. She looked at me with pain. 'Where did you go? What happened? Why are you crying?" I whispered. 

"Lou!" she cried, uncontrollably, with more tears streaming down. "It's my fault. I killed him."

I can't believe she can hurt me by crying. 

"What happened, El? It's okay you can tell me." I whispered. I can feel my eyes getting watery, because I can't believe how miserable and lifeless she looked. 

"When I was a little girl, I was actually ugly. Chubby cheeks, fat arms, no thigh gaps, big belly. Everyone was bullying me actually. Except this guy named Lucas. Lucas was my bestfriend. He's the most popular guy in school, yet somehow we became bestfriends. At age 14, I started working out and cutting off junk foods. I lost 60 pounds cause I secretly fell inlove with him. Then, at 17, before the contract, we started going out for 5 months. A tragic happened one night. W-we were," she choked with more tears flowing,"fighting at his friend's party. I ran out of the street crying. He followed me, just then a car was gonna hit me, he pushed me out of the way and he got hit instead. I perfectly saw everything. We didn't get to rush him to the hospital, cause he died right after he got hit. After he said I love you, he died. Lou, it's all my fault!!! If it wasn't for me, then he would still be here. I love him so much, Louis. Do you know how much I pay everyday of his loss?" she cried. 

I didn't realize that I had tears falling. So, that's what the lads are talking about? If I have known about it, I should've made her life like a living hell. 

I rubbed her back, gently, but unexpectedly hugged me. I was shocked, but then I hugged her back. I like this moment. 

"It's all my-" she sobbed, but I cutted her off.

"Shhhh," I whispered, using my other hand ro rubbed her back. "You'll be fine."


xoxo, Kyla

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